interview \ Finish the Sentence with Dave Cross

Picture 10

You can imagine my surprise and excitement when DAVE CROSS asked me to be a part of his Finish the Sentence interview series on his blog. You can read that interview here, and make sure to check out the rest of the photogs in the series here.

Thanks Dave! How I wish I could transfer some of your photoshop knowledge into my brain!

Maura + Jay = Savannah


Jay – you are such a show off! (And I loved peer pressuring you into doing your monkey tricks!)


Maura, you’re glowing – see?


I love how beautiful she looks in these. Beautiful and sexy and comfortable in her own skin. Lovely.



This was the last shot and Jay (the ham-bone who made more faces at me than most 5 year old boys) jumped in there and surprised me yet again…He had me laughing behind my camera all night.


Maura + Jay also equals a whole lot of fun. During our “get to know each other” emails, I learned that they were both really happy, laid back people who enjoyed sports. Golf and baseball in particular. I thought a maternity session while playing mini golf would be meaningful and quirky for this couple who wanted something different. (The girl at the rental counter gave us pink and blue golf balls without even knowing what we were up to. We all got a kick out of that.) However, they know their baby is pink. They have already nicknamed her Savvy.



the sky on friday night

(edited: new photos added below)


turned a brilliant hot pink and orange and Anna told me, “Momma, pink is the best color in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD because even the SKY likes pink.”

(I did nothing to this photo except to resize and sharpen for web. It was shot at ISO 250 | 1/500 | 1.2 with my 50 1.2 lens.)

It was a breathtaking evening at the beach.

Everyone played in the water but us. We normally stay on the shore together. She wanders, finding treasures to use for fairy sand castles. Sometimes I bring a book, sometimes I bring my camera. But we never bring much of anything else. Whitney rule: you have to carry whatever you want to bring, so that makes all of them think twice, and makes her get inventive. Suddenly a cup found on the sand becomes a bucket, and a piece of driftwood makes a great shovel. Seaweed is mermaid hair, or a fairy fence. She is growing up so fast, I know this stage will be over before I blink my eyes. I want this magical time to last forever.

Watching her move throughout the day is one of my favorite past times.


The sun was getting closer to the horizon and Mckenna was shivering in the water. Jeff sent her to shore, to mommy, to a shower and warm clothes.


Once we got Kenna cleaned up the sun was halfway gone. I sent Anna to call the boys in. I love the way her hair looks after the beach. Those little salty tendrils.


Right before we left I pulled her hood over her face and she thought it was HILARIOUS. So we did it again. And again. And again.


And then we said good-bye to a pretty night at Califia and met friends for a sandy dinner.


