racing the light


It has been awhile since I have shared a client session – so I thought I would share one this morning to give us all a break from the Christmas posts that are sure to be popping up all over our blog readers today. I shot this talented family of photographers a few weeks before Christmas at their absolutely unbelievable home in Malibu, CA. The problem was, the drive took much longer than I anticipated, ANNNNND it got dark at 4:45, ANNNNND their home was surrounded by trees. So I got there and had just about an hour of light. And it wasn’t enough. I am heading back up in March to really do the job right. Selfishly, I have to get back up to shoot them again – there is so much to do at their home and so much I missed out on. Sometimes an hour is all I need, but not this time. Looking forward to going back.

While I was there getting to know them, this is what I shot.


Don’t you just love all of their faces?

I did.



if you belong to this family, you and I will be meeting in march.


That would be you, Miss Melissa Vossler!

(I did some internet sleuthing to find this photo – I hope you don’t mind.)

After randomly choosing your name, I was happy to discover we have spoken via email before, about our photo booth pictures. Can’t wait to meet you all. Just go ahead and continue being this adorable for our session. AND EMAIL ME!

Thank you from my head to my toes, to everyone who was a part of our wells. In just 12-18 months we will have provided water to 471 people, 94 families (NINETY FOUR FAMILIES!), and almost 2 entire communities. We will keep you posted on the progress as it comes.


All of my love,

