Landen’s favorite people, places, and things.

Landen is a very unique little boy with a personality that I don’t come across often in the 5-7 year old set. He is serious, quiet, watchful, thoughtful, and so, so very sweet. You can just see the wheels turning in his mind as you talk to him. He views the world differently than most little boys I know. His pondering nature allows him to take in a whole lot more around him, and just by being with him, you naturally do the same.

I really just ENJOY getting to know people who are marching to the beat of their own drum. There are so many ways to “be” in this world!

We spent a very sunny morning together, with him leading the way. And I have to say, I felt great moments of success every time I got this serene little man to giggle.

This one is my favorite from the day. Take note of the crooked lamp shade. Landen tilts it like this – he just likes it like it better that way. I fixed it twice before I caught on. You can also see a black and white photo framed on the nightstand that I took of him a few years ago. Loved that.

For me, this is a family image that really hits home and teaches me what I want to give to my clients. Look at his happy little face, and those adoring gazes from his parents. Add the personal touch of the lampshade and BAM – the combination is meaningful, loving, and fun. This is something that he won’t always do, and now they have it recorded forever.

Landen’s Dad is an artist for Nickelodeon. I asked him to draw their family portrait while we were playing with sidewalk chalk.

Working on these just now made me feel excited to start work up again in February. I will be taking the rest of the month of January off.




Out of all the years in my life that I want to remember, 2009 will be among the top five that I carry around with me until I die.

Kids: Created by us
Memories: Recorded by me between 1.01.09 – 12.31.09
Music: Ghostwriter RJD2

Love: Out there for the taking.

Jason Bustin played by himself.



(edited 1.5.10 : Thank you very much to everyone. I have enjoyed this alone, and with members of my family, more times than I can count. Jeff has asked me to do slideshows for all the years I have digital photos. How great would that be if I could accomplish it?

For everyone who asked about how I put this together, it was a very simple process of going through a year of photos and copying favorites into a new folder. Then, I went through them again and whittled down to just about 150 (I think?). Then I resized them, and dragged them all into iMovie. Spent about thirty minutes getting the timing right and finding a song. Exported to Vimeo. That was that. Took me about two hours to complete.)