personal project \\ six people twelve times \\ 01.10

January notes:

Love this fence. Have taken photos of OTHER people in front of this fence. When we were here playing golf for Anna’s birthday I asked Shane to snap a couple of us in the same spot.

I am not wearing glasses because I was wearing my prescription sunglasses, and I didn’t want yet another shot of me with sunglasses on. (My glasses were in the car – not enough time before dark to grab them.) It feels weird, my glasses-less face, but it is actually growing on me. Are contacts on my horizon?

Drew is obsessed with that grey sweatshirt and wears it every single day. He likes that the sleeves are too long and that they bunch up in his hands. It drives me bonkers having to look at him in it every single day, and although sometimes I gently recommend that he switch it up, I know that this is his way of expressing himself through his clothes. So deeper down, I love it. I can’t wait to watch him through all of the stages of discovery and becoming.

Uniqua is clipped securely to Mckenna’s belt loop. She comes with us everywhere we go. This is the second Uniqua replacement. Mckenna likes to find her shadow in the light and project it into walls.

I am so glad I went with that color when choosing a jacket. I almost went with olive green, but this gold color is so 70’s fantastic.

Right now the kids spend a lot of time playing wii. Nathan is a pure professional when it comes to boxing, bowling, and tennis. All of the kids complain about sore arm muscles after the weekend is over!

Favorite dinner of January was: Beef Biscuits. (I should edit and say my favorite dinner of January. The kids hated them.)

We are all loving the rain and cooler weather. None of us likes being hot. We are complainers in the heat. We all enjoy snuggling into sweatshirts and cardigans and soft fuzzy blankets.

Looking forward to the premiere of Percy Jackson & The Olympians: Lightning Thief in theaters. I have started the first book of the series so that I can have something to talk about with Drew. (That was Jeff’s brilliant idea for me.)

Anna has recently gotten into Polly Pockets and HORSES!, but only plays with her toys when she has a friend over. She loves to make a bath or swimming pool for them in the bathroom sink. She also loves dressing and doing the hair of her American Doll.

Jeff downloaded the latest Offspring album, and although it isn’t always my cup of tea, it is definitely on major rotation and getting lots of requests from the kids. (Half-Truism and Kristy, Are You Doin’ Okay? are favorites.)

Jeff and I are struggling through the aftermath of Mckenna’s surgery. She is almost completely healed, but twice a week occupational therapy appointments along with weekly burn clinic appointments take up a lot of precious energy.

The house is a bit of a mess. A lot of my organizational projects are half-done or not even started. I want to get organized and re-arrange/re-decorate pronto!


Okay so here’s the deal. I love seeing photos of all six of us together, but for obvious reasons that rarely happens.

Was talking to a friend about this problem, and I thought of a great idea. IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF.

Once a month, I am going to organize a family self portrait. Hand held, self timer, or grab someone else to take it.

Whatever. JUST DO IT. Just to have it.

Because I can, and I should!

I don’t think once a month is too overwhelming. Not even for this procrastinator. I am pretty sure I can do this. I am going to let the kids get in on it too, and maybe have them plan a shot or two if they want.

When I share the photo(s) of the month, I am also going to jot down some things that are going on with our family at that time. And then at the end of the year, put it together in a book.

I would love for you to join me.



last weekend

Seven things I know about Anna.

1. Jalapeño chips are her FAVORITE. And turkey sandwiches with only mayo. And my garlic cheese bread. And broccoli. And Milky Way chocolate bars. And Spanish rice. And strawberries.

2. When I wake her up for school, she will grumble and make puppy noises and bat her eyelashes at me to try and persuade me to let her sleep in, or to get in and snuggle with her. I have had to crack down and let her be late to school once to prove a point. “I am not a snooze button,” I tell her.

3. “HORSE” was at the top of her christmas and birthday lists. (A living, breathing horse.)

4. $20 of her birthday money went to buy two pairs of metallic ballet flats. (Couldn’t decide between pink and gold, so she bought both.) She calls the gold pair the “disco shoes”. She knows what disco is because of the movie “Mama Mia”. (Sidenote: She watches it in my room and doesn’t know we can hear her singing along, and I will stop whatever I am doing, turn down whatever other noise is around, and listen.)

5. She wants to read ME a story every night. And for me to snuggle with her in bed. So that when I leave, there is a warm spot for her to nuzzle into, and it smells like my hair.

6. She is VERY animated, but can sometimes go quiet, serene, into herself. I love both parts of her personality. Her shyness is breaking up slowly, but is still there. For example, she will be belting out a song in the backseat but the second we draw attention to her, not a peep.

7. She LOVES her Daddy. Their relationship has blossomed in the last few months. She is reaching out for him more, instead of focusing most of her attention on me. They are bonding and I am so grateful she gets to grow up with a Dad like Jeff.

Also, I have noticed her pulling away from me. In a natural, I am growing up kind of way. Not wanting to hold my hand in public. Telling me she can brush her own hair. Not needing to make sure I sit next to her any time we sit somewhere as a family. This is very bittersweet.

She is one of the reasons we all work so well together. The last piece in our puzzle.

Without her around, we wouldn’t have anyone to get our daily fix of deliciously tickly little girl from.

And that would be a tragedy.

when something new just clicks

Met the Skinner family while in San Francisco at Chrissy Field. Fell in love, head over heels, for all of them. Like, really. Like, really really.

I have met many children in my life, and I can tell you – this little lady here? She is probably going to be in charge of the whole entire world someday. Her spirit just overflowed – sparkled! Even at the tender age of two, you just wanted to be around her. She had me from hello. Not to leave the boys in the dust – they were wonderful – and sweet – and kind – and gentle hearted – and funny. But she absolutely captivated me. I could photograph her every single day. I wish I could!

This next shot is the something new that happened to me. As I was photographing her on the picnic table, I saw something new  – something I haven’t paid attention to before. I saw the photo before I pressed the shutter, before it went into focus. And I gasped. My heart swelled. My throat closed up, tears were imminent. That happens sometimes, and it happened over and over with them. I felt like I saw what was in between us – what was really her. This out of focus, dreamy, water-color like photo energized me and excited me. I wanted to do it again. I wanted to play with this new idea right away.

And so, when I saw my next chance, I took it. And my heart sang once again. They looked painted into the scene! They looked magic. I am still not sure what it is about these ethereal out of focus photos that gets me right in the gut – but it is for the simple fact that they do – that I am taking notice. I have stumbled on something new that just clicked, and I am so grateful for it.

And then the sun set in a beautiful demonstration of pinks and purples, and it was time to say goodbye.



P.S. Isn’t Mom just absolutely radiant in every photo? Pure love.