the park around the corner

Lazy Saturday mornings where you wake up late, throw on some clothes, and head to the park without brushing anyone’s hair are the best.

Especially when you were drawn outside by the light to begin with and bring your camera.

Especially when your husband tries to ride your son’s skateboard down a hill and biffs it MAJOR. Into the grass. Luckily for him. I can still start laughing when I picture this taking place. I am laughing right now.

Especially when you get to make birthday cakes out of wood chips with your daughter while marveling at how adorable her hand dimples are.

Especially when you get to see how swinging releases your oldest daughter from so many of her mental chains. And she relaxes and smiles and is free and glows.

Especially when you melt over your youngest son’s freckles.

Especially when you catch both of your boys relieving themselves on the same tree at the same time.

Especially when the hair on your girls floats about their head and bounces in the sun while they swing.

Especially when you sit on a bench with your husband and squeeze his hand and he knows it is because of all of this, without having to say a word.



his and hers

Marin, CA : Beautiful and lively and referred to me by this beautiful momma’s twin sister. If she looks familiar, it is because she is! I felt right at home in the big family chaos, and wanted to hang out in their amazing and impeccable “tree house” for a month. Would that be okay guys? :)

The weather barely cooperated and it was very dark (aside from a few moments towards the end). But the first grainy set of images that I took in their almost dark bedroom, lit only by lamps and minuscule amounts of window light, are my favorites.

The set of three where Aimee and Peter are canoodling made me cry and my glasses fogged up while shooting. They were the last three shots we took.

So much love here, not to mention a PLETHORA of good genes.

