personal project \\ six people twelve times \\ 02.10

February was a rough one for us.

It started out with a major back issue that had me immobile for about two weeks. Then my camera died. Then I got bronchitis. So, since I spent a lot of time in bed in February, I thought it was only fitting to take our family shot there.

I love our room.

I love our bed.

It is a complete and total respite from the world for me. We have had our quilt for so long that it is ripping and ragged, but I can’t bare the thought of getting rid of it. So our feet just poke through the holes. I took it on a photo shoot once, and I am still pulling sticks out from that. I don’t mind. That shoot is a good memory.

Jeff was assigned to a major project at work. While it was really good for him to be asked, it is taking a lot of his time and energy. Away from us.

Nathan is getting over a cold – I can tell in his eyes that he doesn’t feel great.

Mckenna is in her splint, or gizmo, as the Dr calls it. The splint that everyone hates for her sake, but her most of all. It is so hard for me to ask her to put it on, knowing how much she hates it. She is meant to wear it as much as possible every day to keep the skin in her armpit stretched as it heals.

Jeff got a haircut today – and immediately came home and took a shower to get rid of  “itchy neck syndrome”. This picture was last minute, taken literally seconds before it became fully dark outside. So, he didn’t have time to do his hair. It looks hilarious, and I am fine with it. I love his crazy stand up rooster hair. You should see it in the morning.

A neighborhood boy came over with his Nintendo DS one day earlier this month, in the middle of a game. He wanted Drew or Nate to help him get through the end of the level.

Anna came into our room one evening, with her finger above her lip (as a mustache and disguise), and dropped off a piece of paper. On the paper was written: “Mom and Dad, I ran away with Silce (silkie is her cherished blanket) and pilow pet. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Anna. Mom, don’t tell Dad that I’m still here. Act it aot(out). Ha Ha Ha.” I don’t think I have laughed that hard in a long time. We did indeed act out our sadness at finding her gone, and our excitement in finding her again.

Nathan got an A+ on his science test and was so, so proud and excited to show us.

Jeff recorded Black Beauty for Anna, and she watched, transfixed. I love that he thinks of all of us and is always searching for things to record that we might like.

Mckenna turned fourteen. She asked for Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Spirals. We got her three boxes, clothes, and an old iPod shuffle. She was more excited about the Mac & Cheese.

A friend loaned Drew and Nathan a Lord of the Rings video game. One night Jeff played with them and started telling them all about the characters and the story. Drew remembered that he had The Hobbit in his closet, and started reading it. That lead to us starting a LOTR marathon one Saturday.

We are all still so happy about the weather we have this time of year. Perfect.

Oddly, we didn’t go out as an entire family unit at all this month.

I had a ton of fun on Valentine’s day…doing special things for the kids. They woke up to treat bags filled with goodies in their top dresser drawer and personal heart shaped chocolate cakes for breakfast.

Mckenna loves, and when I say loves, I mean LOVES, to get the mail after the bus drops her off everyday. One afternoon the mailman was there, putting mail away. She ran up to the truck and said, “Hey mailman! What’s up?!” We got the mail and I told him about how much she loved it. As he drove off, she shouted, “OSA MISA MAILMAN!” I was like, huh? Took me a second to figure it out-but I finally did-she meant to say, “HASTA LA VISTA MAILMAN!”

This shot was actually taken on March 1, but I am going to pretend that since February is such a short month, that doesn’t matter. I propped my camera on our laundry basket, two pillows, and an eyeshadow compact. I called everyone into my room and they piled on the bed. No one REALLY wanted to do it, so I took three self timer shots in about a minute and this one was my favorite. I couldn’t decide in color or bw, so I decided: BOTH.


If you joined in, feel free to post a link in the comments. I would love to see.



cheek tattoo & shell necklace

…and just tromp all over my heart with that face why don’t you?



PS : So, apparently breaking up with bronchitis in 2009 didn’t do the trick. He is stalking me into 2010! Bronchitis and me? We are like THIS.


PSSS : A pulled back muscle, rain, (oh I know all of you Pac NW’ers are laughing at me), a broken camera, and (ahem) bronchitis, have made me miss my second deadline for a family photo and I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. But I am taking one today, come hell or high water.

PSSSS : February sucked.

giveaway (Jamie Schultz designs)

Winner is Shannon Taylor! (We emailed you Shannon. Congrats!)

Jamie Schultz Designs started out with a bang in 2010.  She’s added many innovative products to her product line including; Phone Skins/iphone cases, image boxes, and the much anticipated 2011 Senior collection.

A note from Jamie:

Jamie Schultz Designs is proud to partner with Tara Whitney and Just Be Blogged.  As a token of our appreciation to the loyal Just Be Blogged readers, Jamie Schultz Designs is offering a $10 gift code (off a purchase of $40 or more) to you just for reading this blog! (Enter code: tara10)

In addition, one lucky winner will receive a $50.00 gift code to

Here is how to win:

Tweet this… “follow @JSchultzDesigns for a fabulous  discount!”


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And then come back here and leave a comment…and you might just be the lucky winner!

Winner chosen Sunday night, 8pm PST.