giveaway (photographer cafe)





Note from Photographer Cafe:

March is a lot like the last gas station for the next 150 miles… time for making sure you have everything in order so you aren’t repeatedly banging your head against your office wall or hiding from your phone in a few months when things are crazy busy!  It isn’t too late to get your ducks in a row because you don’t have to spend countless hours doing it all yourself.  Photographer Cafe offers a variety of Business & Marketing Collections that makes it easy to give your marketing materials and client paperwork a beautiful, cohesive style.  You’ll also want to check out the rest of the card, canvas & album templates!

This weekend could be your lucky weekend… Photographer Cafe is giving away one PARIS business & marketing collection AND one FRESH vintage business & marketing collection to two readers!  (the two winners may choose which of the two collections they would like)

To enter:
fan Photographer Cafe on Facebook or follow @PhotogCafe on twitter (or both!)
then come back here and comment below to enter.
Contest ends Sunday evening at 9pm PST.

FRESH vintage business & marketing collection

PARIS business & marketing collection

almost four

This happy family found me via Google, and booked a maternity and newborn session. Expats hailing from Switzerland and France, our session was peppered with the beautiful sounds of the french language. We started off at home and then took their CHERRY Volkswagen bus to a nearby park. Alex has owned it since he was a teenager! I think you can tell from the smiles that they have a fabulous time together. I left them with a smile of my own that lasted all day AND vintage movie theater seats they were trying to get rid of, also hailing from Switzerland. Double score. I have wanted some of my own for years.

Baby Sacha will post on Monday.

The last image is the one they chose for their big canvas. Such a happy image to have hanging in their home.



something good this way comes \ the Zawadzki family film

Zawadzki Family Film from Michel Sandy on Vimeo.

film/editing: Michel Sandy
photography/concept: Tara Whitney
music: Something Good This Way Comes by Jakob Dylan
HD version here.

The home was, quite literally, amazing. The children were stunning and lovely to work with. And the parents were super chill and ready for anything. Michel and I were beyond thrilled that someone had finally let us shoot in their home. Earlier in the day, Leah had shared with me the song that she wanted to use for this. The moment it started playing, the goosebumps started. I had never heard it, and I connected, big time. This was the moment that I updated my Twitter feed with this. I spent the next two hours listening to the song on repeat – and while we shot, the lyrics were running through my mind constantly.

I raced off an email to Michel with the song attached, hoping he would be as inspired by it. Yea, I guess he was.

I just stopped writing this to watch it again, so I end with tears in my eyes and a very full heart.

I love love.

