well hung – the berry home

This is the first installation in my newest blog feature. In it, I will feature photos taken by my clients of the photos that I took for them.

What did they end up doing with them?

How did they feature them on their walls?

In doing so, I am hoping to inspire other clients to get their own images up, and share some ideas from very real people and their very real homes.

By the way, if you are a past client and you would like YOUR home featured, please email me for details!

First up is the Berry home, using a selection of images from our first session together.

Ben’s room:

Sam’s room:

Upstairs hallway:

Family room:

Session can be viewed here.

(Thanks Amy B for helping me come up with what I wanted to call this!)
And thank you Bonnie, for allowing me to show off your home.



dana pugh and her family roadtrip to CA

I met Dana in the first minute of walking into a room I was very nervous to be in. I was in that room as a guest of Cheryl Muhr’s workshop. I remember standing outside for a bit, revving myself up. Then taking a deep breath, walking in, and the first person I came into contact with was Dana. Lucky for me, because she just exudes warmth and smiles. She ushered me into the back to give me lunch, and immediately set me at ease. I fell for her immediately, and have kept in touch with her since.

When she emailed telling me about her California road trip, asking if I would photograph her family, I was literally over the moon with happiness. We met at their campsite, which was abloom with yellow daisies, and then headed to the beach. The light was spectacular. I am pretty sure that I smiled the entire time. Her family is full of energy, spunk, and laughter. Her husband just “gets it”. Together they are just the kind of people I like to be around.

They made my job so easy it should be illegal to call it a job.

To read about Dana’s thoughts on our time together, you can go here.
But only if you promise not to take her too seriously about The Beatles.

