hello my name is …

… Lochlan (or Baby Lock as his big brother likes to call him). Baby Loch is five months old now, but was just a few weeks old when I photographed him as a newborn. He belongs to our good friends Brett and Billie. It seems everyone around us is multiplying!

This is just a sneak, will post the rest of the session tomorrow.

Jax \ 5 weeks \ the shop

Jax is the son of my best friends, Jalayne and Justin. You can see the progression of their life together here and here and here and here.

These are the photos taken in his Dad’s woodworking shop on our last day together. Justin loves this place and I loved watching him in it. He walked around, showing me everything he has customized for himself. He is passionate about his work there the way I am passionate about my work here. Jax tuckered out in Momma’s arms and then fell into a deep sleep on his father’s work table as we all talked.

