For day three, we were a little lazy getting out of the house and took our time driving down to Balboa Park in San Diego. Being lazy is what vacation is all about, and we take it seriously. We spent a little bit of time exploring, got sticky with snow cones, and sat in the shade waiting for our show to start. I love that Jeff captured me hanging out in the grass with the kids, Anna playing with my hair. Such a typical Mom moment for me.

The family shot is so awkward and forced, (self timer on a bench), that I had to share it anyway. Just to prove that when you force it (“Come on you guys, I know Mckenna is cranky and you are all hot and irritable, but LET’S TAKE A FAMILY PHOTO!”) it never works out.

Mckenna had a rough day, was not in the mood to be tooling around in the heat with her crazy family, and was nervous about what we were doing since it was all new for her. Before the show started I was ready to pack it in and take everyone home. I had to take a moment. Jeff took the other three to look at something far, far away from Mckenna and I. We had our moment and managed to make it through. By the time the show started she was incredibly excited and all of our moods improved. The performance of My Son Pinocchio was done entirely by children, and was AMAZING. So enjoyable for my two little thespians AND the ones who would never perform, not even for a million bucks.

After the show was over, we headed out into cooler temperatures, and the kids ran amuck all the way back to the car. Moods were still good and Jeff and I held hands and brought up the rear. We stopped and had a very late night dinner at Denny’s, where we suffered through horrible service and horrible food, and then packed it in at our hotel to get ready for another day.

Mckenna chose to sleep in the bathtub.

Waiting for dinner, after. Anna was chasing squirrels, and is not pictured.

This week I will be sharing the pictures that I took while on vacation with my family in July. We opted to stay local, and act like tourists in our own neighborhood.

On day one, we spent the day at Wild Rivers and I didn’t take any photos. On day two, we rented a boat in the Oceanside harbor and took it out to sea. Everyone but Jeff was scared after we got it out of the harbor, out of the safe calm water, and realized how tiny our boat was compared to the great big ocean. As the waves tipped us all over the place. Of course he took pleasure in crashing us into the biggest waves and making the boat rock even more, as we all laughed and screamed. It took us a few minutes to get our sea legs, but once we did it wasn’t long before we felt very, very Miami Vice.

What I remember from this day:

The weather was magnificent.
Speeding along in the fresh air
The water splashed us.
Feeling very small in a very big world.
We went from hot to cold to hot again.
Mckenna sat at the front like a mermaid statue, she loved it. Loved the water spraying her. Loved the speed.
The boys were completely full of themselves when it was their turn to drive. They loved being in control of a speeding vehicle. Which I thought was sweet and typical.
Anna couldn’t get enough of the sea lions.
I couldn’t get enough of the sky.

more life

This is what I want to give to my clients.

More life.

I am tired of setting people up against colorful walls and back alleys. I have deep appreciation and love for what I have done in the past, but I want more.

I want you to want more, too.

I want to dig deeper, I want to try harder, I want to gain more trust so people let down their walls and leave their house the way it was before I arrive. So they allow me in. Really, really in.

Our lives pass so quickly, and moments like this make up the most of it.

I have a burning desire and passion coming out of my eyeballs, to give this to you.

This is how your life looks.

Let me help you see it.

