on a hill

This is the family of an old high school friend named Le Anne.

She stumbled upon my blog while surfing the web one day, and was shocked to realize that I was the Tara she rode with in a limo to our senior Prom.

More from her session will come later … but for now I am in love with this simple series of her family on a hill near their home.



well hung – the vossler home

So this is less “hung” and more “bound” but I still wanted to get it into this category. This is just another way to show off your images. And in fact, is my very favorite way to show off one of my family sessions. I think putting all of the photos from your session into book form (story form) is just perfect for the way I shoot. There is nothing like flipping through a big glorious book will full bleed images and glossy pages. It’s like flipping through a beautiful art book, and oh wait, these are MY people!

I design books for my clients often, however Melissa did this on her own after purchasing the digital files.

This book belongs to Melissa Vossler.

Book vendor is Vision Art.

Melissa’s session can be found here.

More well hung here.



well hung – baltgalvis home

The home of Jennifer Baltgalvis. So many of my clients went the 20×20 square route – I love it!

20×20 squares framed in IKEA clip frames (no longer sold)

20×30 standout

The session here.

More Well Hung here.



Edited – Thanks to blog reader Grethel, who found an online source for 20×20 glass clip frames here.