I saw this quote the other day and it hit home, hard. So I went hunting for an image to put it on and found this. If it hits you too, feel free to take it and use it on your desktop, then we can be desktop twinsies. If you think it might be a […]
Category Archives: Orange County Photographer
how i get them to laugh
“Anna, come sit on the coffee table so I can take a picture of your new bangs.” “Mo-ooo-ooo-ooom, ugh.” Clomp, clomp, heavy sigh, roll eye, “Okay, do it.” “Wait. Come on. Just one. You are so cute to me right now I want to eat you.” Put camera up to my face. Get blank stare. […]
OPAM: June 2011 (boys’ room re-do)
OPAM definition: One Project A Month In April 2008, I started a project that failed miserably after only two months. I named it OPAM, and hoped it would motivate me to get some things done around my house. The second month resulted in my #1 most linked blog post ever: our living room photo wall. […]