Anna sings 1 from tara Whitney on Vimeo. Just in case anyone should give me a hard time about it. (AHEM RACHEL) (And not to make her fans feel bad, I am so not a snobby music person, but its just that Country Pop is not my favorite musical genre.) Miss Swift is on my […]
Category Archives: Life
Late Monday night I said goodbye to Emily. She was sitting on an airplane, about to head home to Western AUS. I was sitting in my bed. We were both holding back tears, trying to be strong, using the last minutes we had on the same continent to assure the other of how fast the […]
one way to spend an afternoon that seems to be dragging on forever
we are totally into the lazy rhythm of summer over here. sleeping in, jammies all day long, video games, family movie time on our big bed, the pool anytime of day – even 9pm – which is a new one for us now that we have some bigger kids. friends coming over, A/C on at […]