i am SUPER LUCKY. just talking about this night puts a smile on my face. i still get all happy over it. i got to hook up with nichole van and jefra linn while i was in utah. for one evening we sat around nichole’s dinner table surrounding an amazing meal and talked with friends. […]
Author Archives: Tara
very disappointed in the billboards this time around
there was nothing good like “we understand you need a large closet to hold the shoes of all 7 daughters” from a home builder, or “datelance.com” set up by co-workers of lance. i looked for a good one to take a picture of each time in the car and failed. except once, when i didnt […]
i’m not sure how far back to go.
i am so behind on blog posts, so i’m just jumping in where i am right now. last week sucked, plain and simple. two migraines and a constant feeling of nausea (and no, not pregnant). to add insult to serious injury, we (jeff and i, with his dad) had plans to drive to rocky point, […]