very disappointed in the billboards this time around

there was nothing good like “we understand you need a large closet to hold the shoes of all 7 daughters” from a home builder, or “” set up by co-workers of lance. i looked for a good one to take a picture of each time in the car and failed. except once, when i didnt have my camera, we saw “escape polygamy now”. and just to be clear: i am not making fun of utah, well, not in a mean way at least….just joking with it a little bit, like i do with everything i love.

but i wasnt disappointed in anything else, well, except for the fact that the yellow metal locker i found at DI for $20 didnt fit in my luggage. or the lime green velvet couch at Savers for $30. TOTAL and UTTER frustration and sadness. next time we are rolling into utah valley in a U-Haul.

kelly chauffeured us around to the best places and em and i had to stick to knick knacks and clothes. after awhile i just wouldnt go into the furniture section at all. i couldnt stand the heartbreak. img_7397.jpg

we were also totally lucky to end up there at the same time that the beehive bazaar was going on. a small but amazing and inspiring boutique sale. taken from their site: The Beehive Bazaar is a art and craft fair in Provo Utah that showcases the independent designs, arts, crafts and edibles of 40 trendsetting local artists. The Bazaar touts a hand selected inventory of unique, quality and most importantly, to-die-for handmade goods including jewelry, paintings, bags, vinyl, paper, clothing, accessories and one-of-a-kind gifts as well as cupcakes, jams, cookies, caramels and treats. This is in no way your mothers craft boutique, but creativity with an edge.

even margie joined in on the thrifting fun. dominatrix prom dress anyone? i had to beg her not to take it home. she played it off but i know she really wanted it.


it also turned out that cathy was in town for meeting at simple scrapbooks magazine. one night we picked her up from her hotel and had dinner, along with rhonna.

saturday morning we got up bright and early and headed out to garage sales. i havent done it in soooo long and i have revived my garage saler personality now. i am all over it. you would not BELIEVE what i found-i will share as soon as i have taken photos-it is that good.



then i said goodbye and flew home-cate (kellys daughter) took this shot just before we left. why didnt i remember that when sitting down i look like a buddha statue? why didnt i remember to have cate climb up onto a ladder and shoot us from above?


i have more photos to share from the trip, but it has to wait until tomorrow. gotta keep you coming back for this RIVETING commentary.


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  1. Could you not post/courier/ship your goodies home? Just a thought for your next adventure!
    I saw no buddah.. just three friends :) I love the garage sale list.
    It also occured to me how incredibly funny it would be for a scrapbooker/blog stalker to be having a garage sale in utah… and have all of you turn up. haha. that could be kinda surreal for someone.. just laughing to myself.

  2. Wow, can’t believe you were in my city (well, where I go to school), and I was in another state. Did you miss the billboard about having like 8 kids with twins on the way? Maybe it’s not up anymore…same builder as the shoes one. Yeah, that’s Utah.

  3. Dominatrix prom dress????? ROFL Oh my goodness, I was rolling when I saw and read that. Was that at Deseret? Sounds like you went to Utah at the perfect time. You do not look like a Buddha statue.. you weirdo! LOL can’t wait to see your garage sale finds.

  4. Dominatrix prom dress????? ROFL Oh my goodness, I was rolling when I saw and read that. Was that at Deseret? Sounds like you went to Utah at the perfect time. You do not look like a Buddha statue.. you weirdo! LOL can’t wait to see your garage sale finds.

    Oh and I forgot to say that the billboards you talked about cracked me up. There really was a I looked at the website and just cracked up. And “escape polygamy now” Oh my word! Hilarity. I love your sense of humor!

  5. I’m HEARTBROKEN that you were in Provo, SO close to me and I didn’t get to see you. Utterly heartbroken…i’m going to go cry in my pillow now.

  6. i can’t believe you hit the beehive bazaar. i love your photography… wished i would have been there when you were there. i sold my jewelry at the beehive bazaar. the armelle jewelry. just getting into photography and you are seriously such an inspiration. thanks!

  7. Tara-
    I am a huge fan of yours (but being an introvert myself have never commented). Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your 2 peas article. I am an aspiring photographer and it is so good to hear you say to take classes and read books. So many people say you just have to figure it out. I am a student at heart so reading and listening I think will work for me along with practice, practice, practice. You also inspired me to incorporate more FUN into my photography, always thought I was, but sometimes sentiment was much stronger. I am going to make that the theme for this summer.
    Isn’t Utah just the quirkiest, most fun place to visit? I Love it there too.

  8. You know what…it would be so freaking cool to really get to know you and be able to hang out with you when you come visit Utah! You seem way to cool and fun! You were like 15 minutes away from me…we probably drove past each other while you were out and about. LOL.

    Anyways….maybe some day!

    Fun pics! I can’t wait to see more!

  9. The last time I was in Utah I saw a billboard that said “2D or not 2D” with a woman dressed in a black corset. I cannot believe there was an ad for breast augmentation on the freeway… in Utah.
    Oh how I miss the orchards! So luck you go to shoot in the spring there! Although any time of year in an orchard is awesome.

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