“the files are IN the computer.”

yesterday, as jeff, drew, anna, and i writhed in pain on my bed comparing all the different ways we would rather die than how it appeared to be unfolding in front of us and mckenna watched a movie at our feet, nathan decided to to some shopping online.

he went to a pokemon website where you can buy individual cards for like $.38 a piece and he had ten dollars saved up from allowance. he wanted to spend half and save half (he and drew are saving up to buy a used xbox) so he put about eight cards in his shopping cart and asked me if he could buy them. i said, “sure babe-put what you want in the shopping cart and ill take care of it when im feeling a little better.”

next thing i know, he is coming back from his bedroom with his little clear pencil box full of CHANGE, heading towards the computer! he sat down and started counting his money when i noticed what was happening.

hardly able to contain my giggling i asked him what he was doing.

“well.” he said, waving his hand and tilting his head just like nathan does, “its $5.09.”

i wish i would have waited to see what he would do with the money…i dont know…feed it into the cd slot? i burst out laughing and told him you couldnt pay with real money, i had to use the credit card and he could pay me back.

he turned beet red and tried to hide behind the computer chair. i convinced him what a great story this will be to tell the girl of his dreams someday…the day he tried to shop online with the spare change he finds behind the couch.

a slice of humor in an otherwise rotten day.

earlier in the day i went in to the dr to find out my oxygen level was at 78% and they immediately did two breathing treatments. and i was right about the sinus infection. so yesterday and today ive been keeping an asthma attack at bay while helping my much sicker family members as much as i can.

today does seem better-anna and jeff appear to be on the mend and drew was able to go back to school. thanks for the get well wishes!

surely, SURELY i wont get the flu after all of this.

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  1. 48%? Are you sure it was that low?
    48% won’t sustain life. I know you felt
    like you were dying but if it was 48% you

    Cute story ~ Good thing you seen him before he started sticking money into it somewhere.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  2. awwwww t! SO sorry you are feeling poopy! good to know that some of the fam is on the mend. i wonder if i could ship you some chicken noodle soup? it probably will not pass the question test at the PO – does this box contain liquids – grrrrrrrr! sending you and the fam healing HUGS!

  3. Hi Tara…usually a lurker, but had to share this VERY TRUE story. When my son was 4, I let him play a Scooby computer game online while I nursed the baby. He came into the room after about 20 minutes asking for our credit card number. Of course, I had to investigate! He was on KBToys.com, the site said “your shopping cart is full”, $400-some dollars worth of toys, AND he had filled out the address! Had he had the credit card, what a shock that would have been! BTW, it was a Cartoon Network game with ads in a column along the side. He had clicked into KB and thought he was creating a “wish list”. Watch out for those online game sites! He’s 11 now…Thanks for letting me share the memory! ABSOLUTELY LOVE your photography!! Hope you’re all feeling better!

  4. AWWW….THERE IS NOTHING WORSE then being sick when the rest of the family is feeling like crap too. Cause then no one can take care of anyone, and you just wish you could take care of it. HOpe you feel better soon!!! Sending you lots of chicken soup vibes, LOL

  5. You have to love what kids do and say sometimes, don’t you?? My youngest, when we moved to Cache (pronounced cash) asked us one day right before moving… “How many days till we moved to change??” He was five.

  6. hey t
    hope you feel better SOON
    and the family as well!
    too cute a story about the pokemon cards! my neighbor had a worse story, her 7 year old daughter went on to amazon.com and ordered a 38.00 webkinz bunny using mom’s credit card info which was already there! imagine her shock when she gets a webkinz in the mail!!!!! LOL!

  7. Feel better! While I was so sorry to not be able to have a session while you were in NY we were sick that weekend anyway! We would have been way fugly! Sometimes things work out I guess?!? Next time for sure – or next time we are in SoCal!!

  8. Ok… so I used to work at Best Buy in the computer department. I sold a fax machine to this lady, who called me for help after getting it home and setting it up.

    Me “What seems to be the problem?”

    Her “This fax machine just doesn’t seem to be working”

    Me “Describe the problem Please”

    Her “It’s not sending the documents”

    Me “Walk me through the process that you are doing, so I can tell you if you are making a mistake or not”

    Her “well, I load the document in the top like the directions say, then I dial the number, and push send… and it appears to be working. It dials the number, and the paper starts to go through the scanner part, but then, it spits the paper back out at me. It doesn’t actually send anything!”

    Me “Ummm….. can you call your recipient and see if they are recieving anything?”

    —five minutes later—

    Her “They got 25 copies!!”

    Me “Yes, because a fax machine scans and sends it electronically. It doesn’t send the physical paper through the telephone wires”


  9. I love stories like this (minus the low pulse-ox, of course). Just when I start thinking all kids are giant (insert expletive of choice), some kid goes and does something completely adorable. too cute.
    wish I could make you some magic chicken soup, Tara.
    Feel better – all these well wishes have to help at least a little, don’t you think?

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