some more from utah

this family hired me for a huge birthday bash and a family session. it was so cool to be able to spend so much time with them-to meet their friends and family. to see how they all interact and hang out. to see the love that surrounds them.

the party was first and i went over the next day for their session-here are a couple faves from the party-

kim and cory, both turning 40……

some decorations……


kim had little books on every table with old photos from them growing up…

then from their family session the following day:


this was in their backyard—ohh the yards in utah were all so amazing…





i love the interactions i got between their “tweenage” son and mom and dad….he is only 12 if you can believe it.



thank you so much kim and cory for your hospitality and a fun time!

school is almost out over here-i have total summeritis. i can barely drag my butt out of bed every morning. the kids have been late to school all week. BAD MOMMY! bad bad mommy! i am just ready to sleep in again. so ready. and for jammie days. and vegging around the house days. i love not having to go anywhere.

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  1. Those are wonderful!
    You captured some nice moments… how fun to be a part of the party and then a session after. More of that *Tara Magic*!
    I get the whole *summeritis* thing… we have 1 more day of getting up early… my kids have been getting to school later and later everyday during the past couple weeks. I can’t wait for the lazy days of summer. My husband is a teacher and he is done Friday but then starts Jury Duty on Mon. … in a way it will be like sending him off to day camp… when he is home it is almost like having another kid, just bigger. hee! hee!
    Keep sharing the *Tara magic* ; )

  2. Speaking of summeritis, you reading anything good these days Miss Tara? I’m on the hunt for some books to read while traveling or just lounging around.

  3. I love the way each of your photos tells a story… it feels like we’ve been there! I particularly love the photo of the younger boy jumping off the bed — AWESOME! Looks like he’s flying! I am sure they will treasure that one forever… the joys of boyhood!

  4. love the bed jump and the guitar..
    the shot of the couple together, with him in focus.. ohhh they have to be loving that!

    I read/was influenced by someone who said every holidays they start off with PJ day. The first day of the holidays is officially a PJ day (you can shower and change..but only into PJs). and you spend the whole day lounging and relaxing and doing stuff in your PJs.

    This is the new rule in our house. It is such a wonderfully relaxing day between the rush of life and the holiday.. and the chill of holidays. We dont have holidays much here (most christmases and sometimes once a year for a week or so).. so they are a big deal. 7th July is PJ day for us. We are taking a week off! yay!

  5. I hear you on the summeritis! My girls were late every day their last week of school. Love summertime! Getting ready to set up our blow up pool and plant some flowers and veggies!

    tammy t

  6. Tara…It was so fun having you come to Utah to take pictures of my sisters family and party. It was a pleasure to meet you. You do great work!!!
    Jackie (Kim’s sister)

  7. Tara,

    Our pictures are everything (and more) that I thought they would be. Thank you for using your incredible talent to touch and bless our lives. Thank you for capturing the details of the party and the love of our family and friends. You made this girl’s dream come true.

  8. i can’t believe how different summer schedules can be. our kids have been out for a month now and you guys are just starting!

    wish i could stay home all day… amen to those great days, sista’! but lo, i think my boss at work (who doesn’t give US a summer break, grr…), would be a bit upset.

    enjoy the time… and be sure to take some time for YOU!!

  9. i can’t believe how different summer schedules can be. our kids have been out for a month now and you guys are just starting!

    wish i could stay home all day… amen to those great days, sista’! but lo, i think my boss at work (who doesn’t give US a summer break, grr…), would be a bit upset.

    enjoy the time… and be sure to take some time for YOU!!

  10. Wonderful photos, Tara. They give me goosebumps. I know exactly what you mean about summeritis. We finally finished school and its been absolutely blissful to be in our pajamas all morning and not have to rush out of the house to get anywhere.

  11. Tara,

    Sometimes in photographs you can really see the men/women that kids will become. Not always…but definitely with these boys. You can just see the man behind the boy…wonderful work…such an eye…oiiiii!


  12. OMG!!! You are the only other person on the planet I’ve EVER heard reference ‘jammie days’. DH and I have these periodically on Sunday — so rejuvenating.

    I adore your photography and learn so much from every shot you share. Thank you for being so generous to your adoring public.


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