a new generation joins the early morning surf runs

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jeff and his dad (jamie) have gone surfing together for years. i know they have both been eagerly awaiting the time when our boylies would join them. bringing new little souls into the cult of san onofre surfing and pedros tacos.

pretty soon ill be on the beach watching all four of them out in the waves. i love it.

im trying to think of why it means so much to me. why i get a lump in my throat when i see them all together like this. i dont know why, but i do. i love LOVE love having a surfer guy. i love love love that my father in law goes with him. its such a connection for them. i love the ocean-it is my happy place. i love having something we can all enjoy together. its the connection. between generations-between family-between men and boys. its time passing. its them growing up. its the step away from me and towards their dad.

its just so cool.

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  1. I totally can see why. I wish I could come and watch too. They are creating those moments that they will all four remember for ever. Now THAT is cool. And I still think one of my granddaughters should hurry and grow up to catch up to that little Nate. He has such a face!!!! Whoa.

  2. I totally agree… WAY cool!!! We live at the ocean, we see it out of our front window. There’s just something so calming about it. I especially love summer because as I sit in traffic in the mornings I get to watch the surfer camp do their morning lessons :).

  3. moriah-cool about mavericks. i am so jealous you live so close to the beach!

    kim-THAT IS IT! rite of passage. exactly. the words i couldnt think of.

  4. Wow!

    Loved what you said today! (Though we aren’t surfers and live way too far inland from the cold Oregon coast) It brought tears to my eyes as I have two boys who are starting to love their daddy more than their mommy. ;) I have no girls so some times I feel left out, but that’s okay. Someday, right?

  5. Thanks for using this spot to still write about your family every once in a while; you have an amazing way of portraying thoughts through words. Then when you combine them with your amazing photographic art, I’m left speechless!

    Rock On!

  6. Now I have a lump in my throat… I completely get the feeling. When I see my Mom turning my daughter into a “princess” with her magical bag of “jewels” I feel faint. Enjoy it, document it, one day it will be your grandchildren…

  7. fab :) I also have a surfer hubby but they used to surf in cornwall in the uk where its cold! i cant wait till Fay si old enough to learn although i suspect living in Canada means she might get iceskates first.

  8. As I was reading your blog I thought “I’ll have to post I think Tara likes it so much because there is a connection, between the past and the present, a tradition that has been handed down from grandfather, to father to sons” when I finished reading your blog. I totally agree with you and everything you said.

    Traditions are important, no matter what they are. The bring people together, in happiness and fun. It’s all good.

  9. if it were me
    i’d get choked up becausse
    it means the family is working
    i mean
    a bunch of cute surfer dudes
    i mean
    who doesn’t like that?

  10. it’s way cool.
    more than cool.
    what an awesome thing
    for them to do together.
    staying healthy, vibrant,
    and young!!!! go surfer dudes!

  11. After reading this post and also your itunes list I have to recommend Dashboard Confessional’s new album Dusk and Summer. The lead singer is from Florida so it just makes me want to be at the beach but I’m stuck in Utah. My favorites on the album are Stolen and So Long, So Long (the lead singer of Counting Crows sings back-up on that one). Love it. Great Summer music.

  12. Surfing? Yeah! My sister surfs (in the NW where it is COLD) and she wants to take my son when he’s older (he’s only 2, now). Here’s to you and your cool family and the awesome bond that surfing is helping to forge!

  13. awww, they are so great. Jeff’s dad is such a cutie! I can see why is so emotional for you, it’s so neat that jeff goes with his dad and now….more kids with dads….really a special thing for sure.

  14. Great! Now I’m craving Pedro’s taquitos *so* bad I can taste them! :-)

    I think my husband has a secret countdown clock hidden in the closet, waiting for the moment Parker can join go to Trestles for his rite of passage…

    So glad your boys have joined the dawn patrol!

  15. ahhh – how cool is that? my son is becoming quite the beach lover. it is cool to see them start to love the things you love… i’ll bet jeff and his dad are tickled as well!

    and pedro’s tacos… yum! i just ate there yesterday. :)

  16. hey tara…this is more than cool…it’s
    e v e r y t h i n g….it’s something that can never be taken away…sweeeet memories…take it from a momma of 7! and now nana to 2 little bugs in texas! the simplest of times end up meaning the most…needless to say $$$$ was always tight around our place…but we really didn’t miss it…now my children range between 30 (yikes next month!) and 18…4 boys 3 girls…and their favorite things to do revolve around their brothers and sisters…they are all the best of friends…priceless…i feel like i did something right and wonderful when i see them hanging out together…and they still want me right there along with them….love your blog…very inspiring…thx…annie

  17. Hey T!! How fun for the boys, big and small…okay, so all your kids are totally photogenic but Drew and Nathan NEED to be, MUST be, ABSOLUTELY WITH OUT QUESTION HAVE to be models. They are soooooooo handsome and SOOOOOOOO photogenic!! I LOVE the pictures you put up of them. They are so comfortable natural and relaxed! That’s what ya get when your mom and her camera are glued together! :-) My favorite is the one of all 4 guys posed like they are surfing!! Nate looks AWESOME and Drew looks oh so COOL!! A few more years and I’m gonna have to keep Annie from lookin’ at your blog or she’ll be packin’ her bags to live closer to your cute boys!!

  18. Something about the ocean, a beach, or just a simple waterfront. Is it the air, the sounds? I don’t live in CA but my big ocean is Michigan Lake and everytime I visit my parent’s place on the water I feel awesome, renewed and just plane happy!

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