her favorite

“I have never seen a photo that I love more of me than the one of James with his arm around me and Coop laughing while looking at Reid.  That is us, so us and I have never been able to capture that photo of myself with my boys.  So Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” -Jane

And now my heart has swelled and I have tears in my eyes. So grateful for this job, my life, my ability to give this feeling to people.

You never know which photo is going to speak to someone. I am so, so glad I turned around at this second and snapped without thinking as we walked over to our cars.


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  1. This is the gift that you give to all your clients because that is YOUR gift as a photographer. You are really good at capturing moments like this. You are super in tune during your shoots whether you realize it or not. All of your shoots have this feel & these moments have been captured. I think that’s why I like your photography style so much! It’s so true & real.

  2. I have a couple of walking-back-to-the-car-end-of-session pics which are some of my favorites. Both were senior guys and their moms, sweet real hugs like this one, a little blurry and snapped with one hand, speaking volumes.

  3. I know the world is a small place, but this is just getting ridiculous! First I came across your site because of the felting class you gave away here last year with Emily. I won it and have been at it ever since! I love my new hobby :) Then one day I stop by and see that you have ‘Link With Love’ which is an endeavor of one of my former book club cohorts, Kal. And now, I swear this is going to seem super bizarro, but I need to know – is this Jane of Calgary, Jane? The sunglasses are throwing me off a little bit but I swear I’d recognize her anywhere. She photographed our wedding just over 6 years ago and I still say the best thing I EVER did was hire her as she captured our day perfectly!

  4. you’ve brought up a big doubt of mine. people usually like themselves in photos that others might not prefer. how do you do the selection you share with them? there might be photos that you love they wont, or photos that you over look that they would love

  5. You never know which photo is going to speak to someone
    That’s the amazing thing right there.
    Not only do you take great images, you know which ones to leave in.
    I am often left wondering, if I have left out the one they would of loved the most. Subsequently my rate and cull is such a slow process :)

  6. Here I am, it’s Jane. Yes, Nicole that is me and thank you for your kind comments! It is not that I think I look the most beautiful here, but it is a moment where even though my son is 12 he is not too cool to show affection to me. This photo in no way is posed. It is me and my boys just reacting to the day. Another fabulous day at the beach. Tara captured this moment and us beautifully. I imagine she chose to edit this particular one because she is a mom and knew that moments like these are treasured.

  7. Do you know that I have a “save for Tara Whitney photoshoot jar?” I so want us to be photographed just being us, the kids playing doing their thing, even if it’s fighting with each other. I love your work and I’m sure just as you love what you do, everyone that’s had the opportunity to have you around them is grateful. Keep doing what you do and hire someone to do the same for you.

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