giveaway – Pascale Wowak’s Nitty Gritty ebook

Note from Pascale:

“If you have recently launched your own photography business or are about to, the Nitty Gritty e-book is exactly what you need to avoid making costly and time consuming mistakes.

It is for those of you who already have all the technical basics down and are ready to move onto the next step.  In order to get the most out of this e-book you should already have a solid understanding of such technical basics as ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, Exposure, Composition, Focal Length and DOF.

This ebook is the follow up to my original “Getting Started” book (which covers all these above mentioned technical basics if that’s where you need to get started!).

This e-book covers everything you need to know in order to successfully launch and sustain your own photography business.  I delve into logo, branding, setting up your pricing, technical expertise, intelligent marketing, white balance, metering, understanding histograms, finding the light and SEEING the light, using reflectors and other tools of the trade to control the light, flash, post processing, RAW editing, calibration of your monitor, using actions correctly, establishing business forms, various FAQ’s, composition, preventing burn out, charity work, finding your style, copyright considerations, with plenty of links to great photography related articles and other websites and, essentially, just a whole lot of SOUND advice.

I included actual screen shot captures of my editing process with sample images to help illustrate the process for those of you who are very visual (like me).  It’s 50 PDF pages chock-full of valuable advice, expertise, images and information.”

Pascale’s website.
Pascale’s blog.

One commenter will be chosen to win a free copy, and emailed Monday morning.
For the rest of you, here’s a discount code for $24 off ebook price:  tara

edited: Hi Everyone, I heard that the discount code wasn’t working so I went into my settings and double checked everything and it all looked correct but hopefully me resetting everything cleared up any possible glitches that were in the system!! I am SO VERY SORRY for the inconvenience for anyone who tried and could not get it to work for them! Because of the snafu, I will now give away TWO e-books!! If anyone purchases the ebook and ends up winning the giveaway, I will send you a full reimbursement via paypal – guaranteed! :) ALSO, if for whatever reason the TARA code is still not cooperating, please use code FBFAN for the exact same discount, as I know for certain that this one is effective. THANKS AGAIN for all the wonderful comments and GOOD LUCK!!!! (*happy reading to those who purchase/win*) – Pascale

edited again – Tara here, thanks everyone- just want to make sure that you know the discount code is TARA, but if that is not working please use FBFAN for the same discount.

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