you only live once – the photographs of Hannah

Hannah is in her first year of college, living in Portland, out on her own for the first time. Her Mom, Natalie (pictured with her here) hired me to photograph her. After getting to know Hannah during our session, I really feel that Natalie couldn’t have picked a more perfect time to have her daughter photographed. Your first independent years are so thrilling, so full of exploration and learning. It was entirely different than if she had done this for her high school senior photos. We captured her at the beginning of her new life, rather than at the end of an old one.

Hannah was unsure of the process and admittedly very shy. I understand that feeling, and so my main goal was to put her at ease and help her to feel confident in her beauty. When we met I was struck by her quiet, strong presence. I was drawn to her instantly, and would have wanted to photograph her had I seen her walking by me on the street, so I felt very lucky that she was before me so willingly.

I loved how quiet and careful she was in front of the camera. I felt honored to watch her move across the field, completely unaware of how stunning and special that she is. Natalie wiped away quiet tears as she watched us. I was often on the verge of tears myself, and I can’t quite put my finger on why. This was just one of those sessions where something special happens. I left feeling that the person I photographed gave me more than I could ever possibly give them.


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  1. she is indeed a beautiful girl and i think the laura above me used a most perfect word for your work: “moving” (even better: consistently moving). thank you for loving so openly.

  2. Beautiful images (adore the backlighting!) and words Tara, as a mom it brings a lump to my throat as well…time moves forward, life changes, “children get older…I’m getting older too” (aww, when Stevie sings that line it always tugs at my heart).

  3. Laura, thank you for your wonderful words! That is my blanket, and it is very much a treasured item. It is my favorite thing that I brought home from Thailand, found in the markets for only 5 american dollars.

  4. Something special did happen… these images are perfection. I see this session and I am filled with hope for her… her future and the changes she will make in this world. Well done, Tara. And congrats to Natalie for raising such a special girl.

  5. your words are so genuine and beautiful. and your images are inspiring. thank you so much for sharing your talent. this has to be one of my favorite posts. ever.

  6. I could see everything in the images that you wrote about – and I saw it before I read your words. You just caught it all. I even felt tears pricking by the time I reached the bottom pictures. Really, really beautiful ♥

  7. Hannah is so beautiful…you did an excellent job capturing the qualities you describe about her in your pictures. Her mother could not have picked a better gift. Good luck to Hannah on this new and exciting journey!

  8. I said it on twitter, but I really love these. I hope I think to photograph all of my children in this stage of life. It IS such a unique time in their lives and feels so much more meaningful than a “senior session” does. Oh and I love that I’m not the only one with a hole in ONE of my Toms. Ha!

  9. Tara you truly inspire me every day. Thank you so much for being so wonderful, honest, genuine and sharing your love of the world with your adoring fans. Moving, kissed by sunshine and tentative the photos of Hannah couldn’t be any more honest. Thank you!

  10. She’s absolutely beautiful and so is her mom!
    She does have a special look about her, I see it too.
    What a cool shoot tara!! I love it! your words + the photos
    really are what make your photos even more special!


  11. I love these photos, Tara. My own daughter is getting ready to start her third year of college this fall, and I totally get what you’re saying about the first year of college being a really special time. I love that you have a few photos with her mom in them, because she is at a time in her life when mom is still kinda there, but not all the time. Also, I love, love, love “You only live once.” Perfection!

  12. tears started to well up in my eyes as soon as a started looking at these photos. I can’t place either exactly why. Something really special here….

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