personal project \\ six people twelve times \\ 01.10

January notes:

Love this fence. Have taken photos of OTHER people in front of this fence. When we were here playing golf for Anna’s birthday I asked Shane to snap a couple of us in the same spot.

I am not wearing glasses because I was wearing my prescription sunglasses, and I didn’t want yet another shot of me with sunglasses on. (My glasses were in the car – not enough time before dark to grab them.) It feels weird, my glasses-less face, but it is actually growing on me. Are contacts on my horizon?

Drew is obsessed with that grey sweatshirt and wears it every single day. He likes that the sleeves are too long and that they bunch up in his hands. It drives me bonkers having to look at him in it every single day, and although sometimes I gently recommend that he switch it up, I know that this is his way of expressing himself through his clothes. So deeper down, I love it. I can’t wait to watch him through all of the stages of discovery and becoming.

Uniqua is clipped securely to Mckenna’s belt loop. She comes with us everywhere we go. This is the second Uniqua replacement. Mckenna likes to find her shadow in the light and project it into walls.

I am so glad I went with that color when choosing a jacket. I almost went with olive green, but this gold color is so 70’s fantastic.

Right now the kids spend a lot of time playing wii. Nathan is a pure professional when it comes to boxing, bowling, and tennis. All of the kids complain about sore arm muscles after the weekend is over!

Favorite dinner of January was: Beef Biscuits. (I should edit and say my favorite dinner of January. The kids hated them.)

We are all loving the rain and cooler weather. None of us likes being hot. We are complainers in the heat. We all enjoy snuggling into sweatshirts and cardigans and soft fuzzy blankets.

Looking forward to the premiere of Percy Jackson & The Olympians: Lightning Thief in theaters. I have started the first book of the series so that I can have something to talk about with Drew. (That was Jeff’s brilliant idea for me.)

Anna has recently gotten into Polly Pockets and HORSES!, but only plays with her toys when she has a friend over. She loves to make a bath or swimming pool for them in the bathroom sink. She also loves dressing and doing the hair of her American Doll.

Jeff downloaded the latest Offspring album, and although it isn’t always my cup of tea, it is definitely on major rotation and getting lots of requests from the kids. (Half-Truism and Kristy, Are You Doin’ Okay? are favorites.)

Jeff and I are struggling through the aftermath of Mckenna’s surgery. She is almost completely healed, but twice a week occupational therapy appointments along with weekly burn clinic appointments take up a lot of precious energy.

The house is a bit of a mess. A lot of my organizational projects are half-done or not even started. I want to get organized and re-arrange/re-decorate pronto!


Okay so here’s the deal. I love seeing photos of all six of us together, but for obvious reasons that rarely happens.

Was talking to a friend about this problem, and I thought of a great idea. IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF.

Once a month, I am going to organize a family self portrait. Hand held, self timer, or grab someone else to take it.

Whatever. JUST DO IT. Just to have it.

Because I can, and I should!

I don’t think once a month is too overwhelming. Not even for this procrastinator. I am pretty sure I can do this. I am going to let the kids get in on it too, and maybe have them plan a shot or two if they want.

When I share the photo(s) of the month, I am also going to jot down some things that are going on with our family at that time. And then at the end of the year, put it together in a book.

I would love for you to join me.



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  1. I love these glimpses into your life. :) Thanks for sharing. :) I don’t have kids yet but should do this with my husband, if only so that when it’s time to do Christmas cards I actually have more than a couple to choose from. :)

  2. I love how you love your big family – you give me non-stop inspiration – I have 5 kids (15,13,9,7 & 6), but I avoid appearing in photos, “until I lose weight”. I hate being in this mindset and really need to stop caring and just do it.

  3. I would totally join in. Except, being February One, it’ll have to be eleven pictures. Or maybe I’ll include next January. Or maybe I’ll cheat. Wouldn’t be the first time. Love the shots–pretty, pretty.

  4. Okay – love this idea…now that Christian is off at the U, he’s not popping up in pictures nearly enough…well, except for in his pj’s playing video games on the rare weekend. Just because he’s got one foot out the door, I don’t want to miss catching him here.

    And. I have a friend who is helping me with paint and stuff around the house, and she gave me the kick in the pants to finally get something other than a 4×6 up on our walls :) I’ll share soon!

  5. This is a really great idea. I am already a month behind….grrrrr. Have to agree that you look great without the glasses….you know, showing the windows to your soul.
    Thanks for sharing the idea….my husband and I have very few pictures together but I got a great tripod for Christmas I have NO excuse now.

  6. awesome idea tara.
    I totally should do this
    because I was just complaining that the ONLY
    family pix that I have from recently are from 2008! CRAZY!
    that is just plain sad and breaks my heart.
    i am sooooo into this except now I am bumming that I missed Jan!
    well, I will just have to improvise that month!
    great idea!
    tara pp

  7. can I copy your idea? I do have one of the 4 of us on my bday yay!! now I just need the notes!! again, thank you Tara for finding time to share your life with us .. it is pretty awesome :)

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