
Yellow is one of my favorite colors.

It hasn’t always been this way, but it has crept like a sneaky cat into my heart.

I can’t wear yellow (it makes me look jaundiced-shucks).

But I can decorate with yellow.

And I can photograph it. Remember this post? I was finally able to finish up the rest of the photos taken that afternoon.
Here they are.

Some extra deliciously yellow.

First up, Shane and Rachel snuggle.



He is over six feet tall. She is five-two.


Shane does the incredulous eyebrow. (I can do this too. So can our Dad. So can Drew.)


And my little brother, in one of his many many many sarcastic t-shirts.




And now, (rubbing my hands together with glee), its our turn.

Yes, I am about to show you a lot of pictures. But, you understand, i couldn’t narrow them down. There was something either big or small in each one that is special to me. I have been working on these off and on for about a week,  and every time I dig into them, I feel so good. I smile into my screen. My heart swells. I feel complete.

My children, while often causing my blood pressure to soar in unhealthy ways, take my breath away.


and this little one right here, the last one of the bunch, rounds our family out with just the right amount of sweetness.


and was the only one who stayed near me when i asked them to. the others ignored me and took off to play in the grass.


It took that, this and this…


To get to this:


They are all incredibly her, but that last one makes me well up with tears.

I lined all of us up…Shane took these.


I LOVE the candidness of that one, momma duck organizing her ducklings. And i LOVE the depth of field on this one.


From sweet to crazy in 0.0001 seconds flat.


I LOVE every expression in that one. Kenna’s arms up in the air! My beaver teeth! Nate trying to be cool. Anna watching what everyone else is doing. Drew’s sweet “okay, ill jump” face. Jeff’s notorious leap into the air.

Another complete and total head over heels jump up and down on my bed FAVORITE! (Rachel took these)


Then we plopped down in our nest of green and yellow. Having this interaction between all of us and Mckenna is priceless. We love to make her laugh. I can’t remember exactly what was said, but I am sure it was along the lines of “He was half dork, half boy. We called him … DREW!” (spy kids movie quote altered to suit our needs.)





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  1. Must come out of lurk-dome & post already. These are divine. DI-VINE. Your work mesmerizes me & captivates me every time. I am SO insanely inspired by you. The last one of your little bean…the one that gives you tears gives ME tears & she is not even mine! It is so so lovely. Sigh. AND the images of your family!!! Oh my….wonderous. Way to go Shane & Rachel. Ok…off to play with my camera.

  2. my family will not participate in shoots like this…could be that the photographer does not have a gift (that would be me the mom) to make them smile and look so carefree…i love love to find a field like this – where is it? is it someone’s yard that you are trespassing in or some random road you happened upon? i love it…course in FL…walking in tall grass would bring out two things bigtime – mosquito and snakes!!
    regardless i love these how fortunate shane did a great job!!!

  3. awesome. awesome.

    5th row up. of you looking away, sweet smile. that pic is so gorgeous of you.

    it’s amazing. those followers you’ve had for AGEs. . .seeing your kids grow up. . never ever actually meeting you in person, but just knowing you are. . you know?

    happy thursday night!

  4. Ohhh Tara.. how these make me well up with tears.. they are amazing and beautiful and what I wouldnt give to have photos like this of my family and I.. sadly not a one.. but wow.. these are just beautiful.. just amazing.. capture who you are as a family so so well.. beautifully done and the photos of your brother and Rachel are also incredible taken with so much love..


  5. Tara, you are looking flipping amazing. Whatever you are doing I wanna be doing it. And the family pictures…wow. I love them. Really love them. The realness and happiness and familyness shines through. Love the yellow. Awesome.

  6. tara, i’ve been away a couple days and i’ve come back to all of your happy goodness! oooooohhhhh – look at your babies! at your FAMILY. oooooooooooooooohhhh. they remind me of a m.a. radmacher-hershey quote i think of when my own heart swells and bursts about my family – “you are simply my best time.” THAT’s how y’all look! gorgeous.

  7. I am speechless. These are the most beautiful photos of a beautiful funny family! I don’t even know you and they bring tears to my eyes. I love the one of you all laying in the grass as it fans out around you..and I love the second to last one of all of you…but I love them all…each one, as you mentioned, is special in it’s own way. :-) TFS
    Will you share your walls with us when you have them hanging?

  8. Hey Tara… Photographer here and so I KNOW how awesome these photos must make you feel. To be captured as a whole is not a small thing. I LOVE your photos. The interaction is awesome. Your hair rocks! Just love it. These make me so happy for you…

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