camille & garry • orange county engagement photos • newport harbor

i’ve known camille for a few years now. she was a teachers aide in mckenna’s class. she was also our favorite babysitter. i loved when she came over because i knew the kids would have a BLAST, and mckenna responded well to her, which is always a plus.

well my little girl is growing up, and is getting married to a great guy in january. we shot their photos near the newport harbor. love ’em. the pics, and the couple.



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  1. Love, love, love ALL of these shots!! Who cares if the one is grainy, because it rocks! This is such a FUN couple!! Congratulations to the very obviously happy couple!

  2. Ditto everybody else’s sentiments. And I wanted to tell you that your blog is the last one I read every day because I save my favorite “eye candy” for last. Thank you for the time you put into posting all of these pics. They make a difference to me every day.

  3. As always, your stuff is so great. You really inspire me with your shots and make me want to do better. THank you for always sharing, you truely have an eye. Some day, when my family and I come out to CA, I would love for you to do our shots. I am in WI and I can’t seem to find people who get shots like I like, more natural and not so posey! I am still looking, if you know of any names that are in my area, send them in my direction! Thanks again for being such an inspiration! WOW!

  4. Tara, Honestly, these pictures take my breath away. I kept say, oh, I’ll comment on this one, and then the next one I would say the same thing to myself! I adore the shot on the beach of his back and her front…TRULY TRULY AMAZING talent you have! Hugs for being not just a photographer, but an inspiration!

  5. Oh I love all of these! They look like they were tons of fun! I love all of the ideas, poses etc… lucky them. I have not forgotten you… you will shoot my family one day! (Next time we come to visit CA!- deal?!)

    Great, great job Tara!

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