• they all made it out alive •

first things first, about the dusk shots at the fair. those were all shot with my trusty 5d at 3200 ISO and my 24-70 @ 2.8. easy peasy.

second, mom shared the info on her jeans in the comments.

third, she was just fine after the slide. we all had a great laugh.

okay i have literally ten minutes to finish up this post and pick up my kid at kindergarten, so here we go.

everyone had fabulous first days. drew, who i was most worried about, came home and looked 15 years old suddenly. he has risen to the occasion and is making me so proud. i am settling into the idea that i have a middle schooler(s). and im liking it. its a whole new era, away from elementary school and towards college, and it freaks me out, but im so happy for him. he is doing such a great job.

nate was off first…so excited about his new rolling backpack. loves his new teachers (they share the class). most excited about bonus bucks.

then mckenna got onto her bus. no news from her teacher is good news i suppose. she was most excited about picking up her best friend chase.

and we dropped drew off. here he is eyeballing his schedule and the school map. he loves the new freedom of passing periods and PIZZA AT LUNCH?!

and last but not least, my little bananna. so excited (“kindergarten is JUST like pre-school mom. only you learn how to read and do math.”) and nervous. (i can tell by how she is sticking out her tongue. a sure sign of nerves.)

okay gotta GO!

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  1. Wow…those pictures are amazing (and hilarious). Glad to hear everyone made it down safely. I was wondering if you could share with us how you are able to reduce the noise so much when shooting at such a high ISO. Whenever I shoot at 400 or above, my pics are just too grainy. Thanks for the continued inspiration!

  2. susan, it may be your camera. these photos enlarged would likely show some noise though. but im fine with that. i was shooting in the DARK. there is gonna be grain. go with it. :)

  3. Such lovely little children you have! Thanks for sharing about the first day with us.

    Also, so glad to get the skinny on those jeans! I’ve never heard of that brand. Now I’m going to have to check them out!

  4. I just love the way your photographer brain works. Wish I could borrow it and soak it in for a bit.

    I am sorry you worry about Drew. I know the worry, with changing schools lately with my own kids, but I know you worry about Drew in particular. He is such a great kid Tara. All your kids are! Hope Anna had a great day at Kindergarten.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I keep reading them to pump myself up during the day. I was feelin’ the love. :) love you too! SO MUCH!

  5. Yay for a great first day of school! It’s always a hectic day around when the boys head back, but they love it. Glad your kiddos had a good start to the school year too. BTW, I’d love to know where you got Drew’s shoes. I’ve been hunting for some like that for my boys…with no luck.

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