• beach, bonfire, beer, beautiful, bittersweet •

the end of the summer. i have mixed feelings. on the one hand, of course, im celebrating the fact that i will once more have some peace and quiet during the day. (i really, really, really require peace and quiet. funny that i had four children.) but really, that doesn’t measure up against the fact that i will have to wake up at 6:30am, make lunches, fight against the clock every morning, drive kids at three different times in the morning and the afternoon, deal with paperwork, homework, mckenna’s behavior issues, bus driver issues, teacher issues, friend issues, etc etc etc.

also, two of my children are entering MIDDLE SCHOOL.

and my BABY is leaving me FOR KINDERGARTEN.

but i could never home-school, un-school, or any of those combinations there-of. i need my kids to go away. so that i will miss them. and then they can come back.

so, mixed feelings.

school starts for us next tuesday. and i dont know who is LESS prepared. them, or me.

so a celebratory beach bonfire seemed like the perfect way to go out with a bang. and a beer. (or a malibu and coke (or two) as pertains to me).

my sexy man beast. i love his profile.

we rounded up the kids and came back to the firepit to change into warm clothes and get dinner started.

lisa makes the yummiest pizza pockets out of these apple pie makers (you can find them in the camping section at wal-mart)

always a fun time with the mcgarveys. always a bummer when school starts up again and we see each other less.

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  1. I feel the same about back to school time. They need to go away so I can miss them :)
    My oldest is going to middle school this year too. Yikes!
    great pix as always!!!

  2. Gawd…your pictures make me miss California so much.

    It looks like you all had a great time. Those pictures so awesome, especially the one of you with your husband and kids. I love the way you’re looking at each other while your kids are all looking at both of you. So sweet!

  3. awww LOVE these all!
    esp. the shots of your 4 with her 2….
    mckenna, i could just take her right home with me!
    what a dOLLFACE! she is really getting used to knowing
    what to do when you pull out the camera now huH?!
    LOVE IT!

  4. wow it’s great to see you so happy! i’m from south africa and i’ve been following your blog a while now – can hardly believe how much i’ve started to care about you and your family! keep smiling, you are SUCH a beautiful woman!!!

  5. oh my goodness…i need a t-shirt that says ‘i don’t home school. i need my kids to go away so that i will miss them & then they can come back’…amen to that, miss:)…all of these pictures are so great…you can really feel the love

  6. I know that kindergarten is a big step…but it will be lovely for you. Celebrate the first day with a pedicure and a huge fountain coke(I’ll do the same, but with a coffee)…lovely images of summer fading away!

  7. aw thats a beautiful blog Tara. Makes me miss So. Cal. SO SO much! You guys are just such fun parents!!

    I understand the drag of having your baby going to Kindergarten! My oldest “baby” had her first day today. Total pit in my stomach but what a great thing public school is! :)

    Hey I blogged about my trip to the farm. Check it out. Wish you could of been there :)


  8. Tara, you crack me up!!!

    I need cracking up—our school started yesterday. Birthdays don’t get to me like the first day of school. Just makes it more real to me that they’re another year older. I bawl every year!

    Then I think of all the hoopla that goes with a new school year too–homework, science fair, waking up earlier, lunches…..depression hits again! ha.

    I love your pictures dearly. You Rule!!! I can see why other scrapbook people rave about your talent. Puts me in awe! Thanks for sharing!

    Especially pics of your “man beast”….ha.ha.ha.

  9. Tara:

    LOVE that you share a little piece of yourself. My life is very different her in NW Pennsylvania, but we also make mountain (hobo) pies. Love that!


  10. love -all- the pictures, tara but that one of mckenna. . .those eyes.
    my. goodness.
    isn’t it so sad when summer comes to an end? i’m sure we feel it here in the midwest more than you down there in southern cal but still. it’s a mood, isn’t it? summertime?
    here’s hoping your fall is simply lovely.

  11. so here’s the deal. i have been reading your blog forever. and always kept your “old” website in my favorites. shame on me for never commenting before.

    granted, don’t get me wrong. your work is pure genius. talk about capturing life. oh. my.

    but your spirit? the way it’s captured in your blog. beauty.

    seems i share the opinion of everyone else on here.

    high five.

  12. Very cute pics… good to see that you had a chance to chill before the chaos. We planned a bonfire for Wesley’s last night of summer… but copped out and just set a fun fire in our webber in the back yard to make smores! Even thought the kids will be back to school… we are so blessed to still be able to enjoy a few more weeks of warm weather, and long days. Good luck with all the juggling… you are amazing. Kindergarten is going to be great for Anna… she’s going to grow so much ( I know… I taught it for years!) Thinking good thoughts for the Whitneys in this new school year!!

  13. So lovely. It’s funny, but looking at the photo of you with the kids it seems like SO many, yet I have the same amount and I’m sure people give me funny looks when I’m with them too. It looks different on the inside looking out. I always feel sad at the end of summer, but at the same time I am looking forward to getting my life back. We start tomorrow-1 in high school (just starting-omg!), 1 middle and 2 in elementary. This will be a big year for all of us. Thanks for sharing your lovely beach photos.

  14. hey Tara – I can relate! I am a total back-to-school freak – I LOVE it. . .and I only have one in regular school, but my 2 YO goes to childcare 4 days/week. . .sometimes I feel about it – but he thrives on the attention that he gets there that I could never give him 24/7 without keeling over.

    Those pics of all the kids together are simply precious. . .you are so very talented! :)


  15. OMG!!! That photo of your family holding hands as you and you man beast are attempting to kiss each other could be the very best family picture I have ever seen. As you look at it it really represents parenting… the kids have the parents pulled in every direction all the while you and your husband are TRYING to get one smooch in… how perfect!~kelle

  16. Just so you know, here in the midwest, we call those apple pie makers “Podgie Pie” makers. They are essential for any camping excursions in the northwoods of Wisconsin! :) For dessert, my fave is lemon curd with cream cheese frosting on the top when they’re done. :) Laura P

  17. Aawwwww! I feel for you. I have three little boys ages 3,2, and 6 months while also trying to run my company too, and sometimes I wish they would be in school already….but then again, I don’t want this time to go by too quickly because I know how much I will miss them. So yes, you are right…very bittersweet : ( : )

  18. What a fun way to end the Summer. Those family pictures are awesome! I need to remember those pizza pockets. I’ve seen those things at WalMart and keep meaning to get them for camping. My kids would go ballistic over pizza pockets!

    And can I just say? I love yours and McKenna’s freckles. Love them.

  19. Oh Tara…the next time you go to the beach in the evening, you have to take some of those necklaces…cut them in half and swing them around..sprinkling them into the sand. My uncle used to do that for us when we’d have bonfires at the beach….it was just so magical! Of course, we never knew it was those necklaces, we thought the oceand and the sand were coming alive. Try it, I think your kids will LOVE it!


  20. What a wonderful way to say goodbye to summer! Lovin all the snaps – especially the glowstick necklace one. I can totally relate with the middle school comment – my baby is off to middle school this year and I keep thinking about when I took him to his first day of preschool – where does the time go? I also could never home/un school my boys but saying goodbye to the summer and starting school is always bittersweet.

  21. Oh my gosh Tara…these are some of the best pictures EVER!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO aweseome to see your family as they are together…with YOU in the mix..laughing and loving and enjoying the beautiful seaside with the gorgeous LIGHTTT. I love love love your pictures and this was such a treat to see your family in the manner that you always seem to capture for all those lucky families that get to hire you! What a beautiful memory! I need to live closer to the beach and have friends that can do this for ME!!!!

  22. hi tara.
    love your blog.
    these pics are amazing. i may have even commented on this post already….
    i know you are a super busy mama but i have a question for you.
    do you prefer photoshop to Mac’s iPhoto program.
    we need to upgrade to Aperture…or buy photoshop and i wondered what your advice would be…since you are a Mac girl.


  23. Hi there! Though this is my first time to comment on your blog I have been watching your photography on it regularly for a couple of years now. Last night I randomly dreamt I met you and told you how I was inspired by your work so I figured a comment was in order. :)

    I do love your work so incredibly much. I tell people all the time about my photographer inspiration in California and often refer them to your site. I am a new photographer myself, focusing on photojournalism in Africa for Humanitarian Aid organizations. I love it. I love interacting with the children the most! Just recently I also took some pictures for family friends while on my trip in the US and used your idea of the family jumping in the air to get some of my favorites of them.

    So, I just wanted to say that you strike me as not only such an excellent and talented photographer but also as a vibrant, lively, fun, caring, warm, and friendly person. Your family is beautiful and your love for people and their families is also beautiful.

    Please be encouraged and thanks for sharing a wee bit of your life on here alongside your amazing work. Well done!

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