i’m not sure how far back to go.


i am so behind on blog posts, so i’m just jumping in where i am right now. last week sucked, plain and simple. two migraines and a constant feeling of nausea (and no, not pregnant). to add insult to serious injury, we (jeff and i, with his dad) had plans to drive to rocky point, mexico on friday to see roger clyne and the peacemakers. we had babysitting all set up for the kids and were looking forward to a few days together. jeff has wanted to do this for years. its on his “things to do before i die” list.

and, well, i ended up being too sick to go. it was the hardest decision to make. but in the end i made the best decision with the information i had on hand. and that information was i felt like death on a stick. so they left friday morning without me, and i cried into my pillow as they drove away.

silver lining: everyone that was taking the kids still wanted to take the kids – they (the kids) were all too excited to change their plans. so the boys got to keep their sleepover with shea and finn, and anna had her sleepover with ivy, and mckenna had her sleepover with my mom and dad.

that was the only good thing about this weekend. and actually, it was a pretty big good thing. it was actually a VERY big good thing. i cant remember the last time my house stayed this quiet and this clean for three consecutive days. and even though i wanted to curl up and cry once or twice, it was a treasure. this weekend was a tiny little treasure. to be able to walk downstairs and have it look EXACTLY THE SAME WAY IT DID WHEN I WALKED UPSTAIRS. to lay in bed knowing that nothing was getting destroyed, eaten, punched, yelled at, written on, scared, feelings hurt, etc. or at least if they were, i didnt have to deal with it. to just sit and listen to the air conditioner, and the birds, and nothing else.

i spent the weekend basically in bed. i read, i drank up the silence, i had dinner brought to me by shane and rachel. and i got all caught up on ER, brothers & sisters, and what not to wear. i was at least four episodes behind on all of them. i think i watched about 47 thousand hours of tv.

so while i cant say that i am happy i wasnt able to go with jeff and his dad, i am happy i have people who love me and tried to make it better. and i am happy my husband and my little ones are home again, and that they just couldnt stop talking about what a wonderful weekend they all had. i am happy to feel the medium amount better that i do right now, and i am just going to think positive that i will be right as rain tomorrow.

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  1. Ohh.. well I am sending well wishes for 100% health in the morning too. Blissful weekends to refresh your soul and mind come unexpectedly sometimes… good on you for making the most of it!

  2. i HATE migraines.

    knock wood, i haven’t had one in a super long time, even with this gross heat that So. Cal. seems to be stuck with lately!

    so glad you’re feeling better, and i’m sorry you didn’t get down to Mexico with Jeff.

  3. Just wanted to say I love your photography, and I really love that you have started to write more too. Hope you are feeling better and the rest has helped the healing. Sleep therapy and time alone can work wonders.

  4. Oh, you described that well. I laughed out loud at the part about how you could walk back downstairs and it looked exactly the same as when you walked upstairs.

    Sorry you were sick. But it sounds like you did make the best decision.

  5. Sorry to hear that you have been sick. I suffer from migraines so I understand where you are coming from. I am glad that you were able to have the weekend to just rest. I hope you feel much better soon.

  6. Sorry that you couldn’t go. My sister was sick with migraines last week also. They are a terrible thing. The nice quiet, clean house sounds pretty great though. Glad you could recuperate in peace this weekend!

  7. i hope you feel better sooN!
    that’s horrible to feel so sick>
    i am glad you had some time to yourself
    to catch up on your shows though!
    take care

  8. I looooove your website and your blog. I am sooo very sorry you have been so sick and especially having to miss the concert. yuk. but i love that you turned your gloom into bloom through your blog… and i am thankful to have your art and your heart in my life. if i could improve my craft to your level i would be tickled aqua….ok pink..keep enjoying the little moments (as you obviously do), for that is what life is made of…love ruthie xo ps i whispered a prayer for you to be fully restored to health asap…xo

  9. sometimes a catch up is just what you need, even if it wasn’t in your plans. I’m hoping you have a much better week. Call your doctor!

  10. oh no….what a bummer! i hope you are feeling better today. im glad you enjoyed the quiet time though :)

    RCPM are dear friends of mine- I lived in a Phoenix for a few years before I moved to Nashville- so I got so excited when i read this post! those guys are awesome! i have played a few shows with them…including this AMAZING one- http://alicepudding.com/leftovers/gallery.asp?c=183074&p=70262

    i love what you do….so inspiring! have a lovely week :)

  11. So glad you’re starting to feel better! I’m such a routine kind of person, I hate that weirded-out feeling you get when you finally re-emerge back into the world, KWIM? At least you got to stay inside and avoid the ridiculous heat we’ve been having – looks like it should be cooler come Saturday, thank Thor. Oh and I looove Stacey and Clinton too, I think my mom is pretty tired of me quoting them whenever we go shopping. :D

  12. It was earily quiet when we were there and even though I did miss the pitter patter of Anna’s little feet, Mckenna’s 52 million questions about the music, the boys endless video game play and Jeff’s hilarious banter…I too enjoyed just relaxing in the silence with you and Shane. It was good times indeed. :-)

  13. honestly, that is my favorite things to do too! It is hard to coordinate though. So happy that you got a mommy vacation. Hope you are feeling better than death on a stick now.

  14. so glad to hear you are feeling better. and i can totally relate to the “joy” in your weekend. i have four kids also so i can really understand how nice it is to walk downstairs to the same room you left. hope you’re feeling 100% soon!

  15. Oh, I really hope you are feeling better. It sucks being sick when you are expected to hold a house hold of 6 together. And I sooooo relate to you about having a clean house for 3 days. I’ve given up tidying as it makes no difference-I turn around and it’s all undone. But 3 days of quiet…hmmm that would have been hard. I’d have had tvs and radios on in every room…otherwise I’d be talking to myself non stop!

  16. Loved reading this, my husband and I took a 4 day trip to VA from SC last weekend as I had to photograph a Wedding there and we took a couple extra days to hit Busch Gardens which ROCKED!! But the sweetest part about the trip was everything you said above; being able to go eat where we wanted when we wanted, being able to watch tv and it not be cartoons, just hanging out alone together with peace and quite. Now we were ready to get home in the end to see our two little ones but boy was it enjoyable while it lasted – one trip we’ll always remember because when your life is a constant roller coaster and you actually get time like this, it’s like a breath of fresh air – for a second :>
    Always enjoy your blog, you’re awesome!!
    Feel better…….

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