home again

my trip to utah was totally totally awesome.  i have photos and stories to share, just not yet. right now i have to run out and get a pre-schooler to school and then head down to the beach for a session.

but real quick- i just had to share this photo i took yesterday before we all headed home. my family all in one place. i love us!


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  1. I love it!
    I am going to have to do the same thing… I think my brother and his family will be down this summer, so we will ALL be together. It doesn’t happen all that often that we are in the same place. = (

    I love the perspective. Great capture.

    Off to take my preschool to school, too. Better hurry so we aren’t late.

  2. Hi Tara! I love this picture! I would love to know the specs for this image…your focus is spot on, and nice and blurry everywhere else. and about how far was the camera from your group? It really is so lovely! :)

  3. I just want to jump in that photo, too! What a fun, fabulous family you have, Tara. It is just OBVIOUS.

    And I love how the music playing on your site just seems to perfectly capture the emotion of this photo. Too cool!

  4. May I ask, what’s the connection with Utah? Is all your family there now? I grew up in AZ, but live in Orem now. Married a local boy. Thanks, hope you don’t mind.

  5. hey martha-i just love it there. if it had an ocean, id move in a second.
    i also have lots of friends there, so its always nice to visit.

    and cathy-man i wish my focus had been spot on. we are all actually pretty soft. but you take what you can get when you set up a self timer. ;) i had my 24-70 on a cement patch, about 15 feet in front of us-for this shot i think i was zoomed all the way to 70.

  6. Thanks, Tara, sweet of you to respond. I’m a long-time admirer. I wish we had an ocean, too, but then we’d have California home prices! :) It would all be just TOO perfect.

  7. Hey Tara! Found your blog through a friend who saw it through another friend’s blog. I love how that works in the world of blog. I miss you. I’m glad to see you are happy and doing well. Your photographs are AMAZING. I remember when you started taking classes. Your creativity does not surprise me at all. You are so talented. My favorite thing hanging in my house is the black & whites of the twins in your house/backyard. I’d love an update. Your kids are so grown up and adorable. Send me an email & I’ll send you my blog invite (if you’re interested). Hansens911@aol.com

  8. tara!!! that’s an awesome photo~! i could see this blown up HUGE in your house! love drew’s little pose!!!! what a beautiful familY!

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