headed for the promised land


i will be away from my computer until monday.

i will miss it.

i will be in utah-the land of wide open spaces, friends, gorgeous mountains, dooce, clean air, billboards you would only see in utah, really good thrifting, and the awesome people who hired me to come.


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  1. My hubby and I grew up in Idaho. Utah was the place to go for shopping back then. After living in SoCal for the last ten years our perception has changed a bit. We drive up there at least once a year. The kids know we’re getting closer to Idaho or that we’re in Utah when:

    * You spot an honest to goodness mullet on either a male or female.
    * The fast food places offer root beer as a drink option.
    * The fast food places have fry sauce (our favorite!).
    * You spot a woman (always of varying ages) with mall hair/bangs.
    * You hear someone use the word heck in a sentence.
    * You hear mom or dad describe the scenery as “the lone and dreary world” or the “land of woe”.
    * You spot two or more Walmarts within a mile span.

    I could go on and on but these are definitely our top ten. Hope you have a good time!

  2. That’s funny about the billboards. I think the same thing when I’m there. Especially the ones for home builders–it’s distinctly a Utah thing.

  3. Oh man. I wish I had known you were coming. Just the other day I was thinking, “Next time Tara comes to Utah…I’m booking her!” I live here and I love it. Such nice people and so true about the Thrift Stores. Lurve it.

  4. I can’t figure out the billboard thing, I’m a Utahn born and raised, I’ve been paying close attention to the billboards from SLC to Payson since this post and I’m wondering, Does the rest of the world not have billboards that say, End Meth or Escape Poligamy or Don’t runover pedestrians or all those “Pass it on” slogan billboards (Integrity pass it on, Good Will Pass it on etc..), or there are those lingerie billboards for Dirty Joe’s and the one for Blue Boutique and the funny ones that go all the way to Nephi about eating at that restaurant–Hmm is all this not normal and totally unique to UT? I think I need to travel more…

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