when i was little i talked to my friends via flash light morse code




we live in the future man.

i cant help but think, as the two of them do this, how amazing it all is really. and how someday, THEIR children will think this is so archaic and old fashioned. they’ll probably be reading blogs just by THINKING ABOUT IT.

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  1. I can’t tell you how unbelievable it is. I remember when we were kids (I’m 38) and we teased with our friends “wouldn’t it be cool if we could see each other on the phone?” It seemed so impossible. When it really hit home for me was the other day when my son had a friend over for a playdate (a four year old): they were looking at our Star Wars video. We only have it on VHS. I took out the tape and the little girl asked “What is that?” I felt like I was a little old granny with my record albums or something. :)

    You’re totally right!!

  2. I can’t tell you how unbelievable it is. I remember when we were kids (I’m 38) and we teased with our friends “wouldn’t it be cool if we could see each other on the phone?” It seemed so impossible. When it really hit home for me was the other day when my son had a friend over for a playdate (a four year old): they were looking at our Star Wars video. We only have it on VHS. I took out the tape and the little girl asked “What is that?” I felt like I was a little old granny with my record albums or something. :)

    You’re totally right!!

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