“say goodbye, drew!”

trampoline bungee at the balboa fun zone.

and i just want to say thank you to everybody on their thoughts on my last post. it was very nice to read the thoughtful, peaceful comments. one thing i strive to do in my life is to be kind. of course sometimes the unkind tara shows her face, but that is usually in reaction to someone being mean to me first. self defense!

i had an experience in high school (during desert storm). i had a peace sticker on my car then too. one day our school had a rally, and there was a big fight (who woulda saw that coming?) between the war supporters and the supposed anti-war peace group. its happened ages over, but i was shocked at the time to hear the people that supported the war thought that those of us who didnt want a war were directly unsupportive of the troops that were there. which wasnt, and isnt the case. for me, at least.

and i have always wondered what the people fighting our war feel about me-the person who wants peace. do they feel i dont support them, like the people at home seemed to? or do they understand that i know that the war isnt their doing, that i can support them AND desire peace. i am so glad to know that at least from the people that posted, the soldiers understand my point of view and would not be offended at the tiny statement on the back of my car.

i hesitate, gravely hesitate, to post about any type of political thing here because people have very strong opinions on topics such as this. and opinions are rarely changed. and fights amongst the comments dont do a thing to change them. so please, negative or unkind comments are unnecessary. before you feel any desire to post, know that i believe my opinions are just that, opinions. based on my experience and upbringing. my stating them should not offend anyone. i fully respect that my readers may have a differing opinion, and i am totally okay with that. differences are what make our world the amazing, inspiring thing it is.

i will leave you with this, one of my favorite points to ponder at the moment:

Don’t believe everything you think.

Join the Conversation


  1. I’ve been visiting your blog for a while and have never commented but I just had to say that I visit to read what you write as much as I do to see your awesome photos. So just keep saying whatever you want, political or otherwise, because I LOVE reading it!!! :-)

  2. I also was in high school during Desert Storm, and my cousin was fighting in the army (he still has breathing problems from being there). We had a peace service and myself and a bunch of friends made a huge banner with the earth broken open like an egg with a dove flying out with the title “Let Peace Break Out”. I went to a Catholic school, many of us knew soldiers fighting, and not one person questioned our intent. I miss those days when it wasn’t “us vs. them” with every topic. That’s why I’m a registered Independent. I don’t want to hate one candidate over another just because I’m supposed to. You don’t have to believe one thing and not the other. You are an intelligent woman who can hold two principles (peace and support) at the same time. You just may need to remind ignorant people of it every once in awhile.

  3. have a spouse who recently retired from the military i had many people totally confused about how i could be so pro peace and support my husband…most of these questions came from folks who do not have a military connection. i just think it is nice that the blogs that i stalk and find inspiration from, also happen to have some of the same beliefs that I do…it’s refreshing..and i hope the comments all are positive.

    Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

  4. There is nothing to apologize for, for wanting peace. I pray for that everyday. It is wonderful that we live in a country where we are allowed to voice our opinions.
    And I 1000% agree with you, opinions are just that—OPINIONS. Let us all respect the right that we all have the right to our own. I love reading and looking at your blog also. Keep it up please, I find you very fresh and inspiring.

  5. Tara –

    I have a son who just turned 18 this past Saturday. He enlisted in the Marines last June. As happy as I am for him finding his place in life (has wanted to be a Marine since a little boy), I wish for peace also. That could mean that my only child wouldn’t have to go to Iraq or Afghanistan and threaten another innocent life. I 100% support our troops and country. The USA is only trying to make the world a better place for everyone, but sometimes the odds just aren’t on our side.

    So…Bring on the peace signs baby! We love you for everything you are!

  6. Tara.. first of all while we have never actually met I can tell from what you write that you are so the kind of kind caring person I would want as friend.. I dont understand that debate either.. I want peace but I support our troops 150% and am ever thankful that all the people in the military stop their lives to go fight for ours…without hesitation.. that takes someone pretty special in my eyes.. and I would bet most of them want peace as well..whats wrong with wanting a world full of peace? nothing.. but Thank God for those who give and scarfice like they do for us for me my kids to make the world a better safer more peaceful place..

    You Rock.


  7. Anyone who thinks that the two things are completely divergent need only attend one military funeral or memorial to understand that you can be supportive of the soldiers dedicated to serve their mission yet want peace so badly your heart breaks. Rock on Tara..

  8. Holy wow that is high!!! Anyways, about your post..my husband was actually a Marine reservist and we are both “anti-war” He served for 8 years and was activated for one..it was the worst year of my life…I am so glad he is out and has no chance of going back.

  9. Tara – I hear you, girl! I got a pro-(I’ll leave out the political figure) email today titled “So-and-So ROCKS”. I wanted to respond and say, “No, he doesn’t” but instead I respectfully wrote my friend back, thanked her for the “info”, told her I still didn’t agree with this person’s actions, and asked her to stop sending such things. It baffles her that I don’t support her views. I almost kept my mouth shut but then I thought, no, she’s cramming this down my throat – why should I have to stay quiet when she can vocalize her opinion? I respect a person’s right to vote for whom they think is best; I don’t respect a person who disrespects me by not offering the same. At the end of the day, we are a county in need of solutions and the ability to move forward. And yes, there are those of us who can stand up and say we don’t agree with a war that has gone on far too long…and has caused too many deaths. (For the record, I’ve had friend who have served in Iraq that share my sentiments). Thanks for listening and for putting yourself out there – I check your blog almost every day, just for a little dose of insightfulness, be it about life or photography :-)

  10. I unfortunately am not going to be able to contribute anything very moving or thoughtful as I am just not a creatively speaking person, however, I can only share what I have observed. Being a peace-loving girl from Berkeley, CA has caused many a conflict with my husband’s 2 best-friends, who happen to be the nicest people you could meet, but also happen to be very pro-military, and in support of Bush and the war.

    The longer I watch the debates between them and my husband, the more i begin to realise that any conflict between either side is usually a result of someone’s own personal values feeling threatened, or misunderstood, particularly it seems from the pro-military side. It appears to be a deeply personal reaction that seems to have little to do with the discussion at hand, and as it goes, that’s simply human nature. It’s just unfortunate that these reactions, from either side, can usually have heated outcomes.

    Continue to love peace, there is nothing wrong with it, and I remind myself everyday that to those that really matter in my life, they won’t judge me for it, so hopefully, I won’t need to apologise. :) Feel content in your beliefs, they help define us.

  11. Tara, I love your blog and your photos. You are one of my favorite photographers and I hope to be half as good as you one day! I don’t usually comment here but your post made me want to come out of hiding. My husband is a Blackhawk pilot in the Army and he is gearing up for his 2nd trip to Iraq, he leaves in a few months. It’s breaking my heart, and I believe it will be harder this time than the first. Ignorance is bliss right, well this time we aren’t ignorant and we know exactly what is in store for us and our two daughters.

    We want peace, we don’t support this war. Of course we support our troops and their families and I believe will all of my heart that it is totally possible to do both. No one wants peace more than our Military and their Families.

  12. You are not wrong for wanting peace: the disagreement comes in how to go about accomplishing peace. And peace is hard work, as a soldier.

    My son-in-law was a soldier in this war and you wouldn’t want to try to convince him that being for peace is all it takes. He spent a lot of weeks with no sleep at all, never taking his boots off for weeks at a time, not having decent food, or even decent water provided for him. He slept on top of a tank more times than he could count and wore pounds of protective gear and equipment for months at a time in 115 degree and higher heat. All for the cause of peace.

    All of us want peace. But some of us think that the lack of war is not peace.

    Ask some of those who have lived through the pre-war times in Europe. They had what you might call peace, but living was hell.

    The nice thing about our country is you can think what you want, say what you want and it’s fine: but it will inspire discussion and debate and you won’t be lined up and shot in the head for thinking or speaking the opposite of your ruling party in government!

    There’s a lot of places in the world that DON’T work that way and that’s why our guys must be in uniform and on alert and scattered throughout the world.


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