warning: dont read if you dont like a good pity party of one

not in the mood for halloween.
not in the mood for anything really.
mad that i didnt get the garage organized before this so that i could get to the halloween decorations and put them out for my kids. since the construction this summer our garage has been a monster neither of us wants to tackle.
house is a WRECK
seriously seriously a wreck
the kids rooms, my desk, my room, the laundry
nothing is organized the way i like it to be
its all clean underneath the mess but its making me crazy and i dont want to keep up with it
im hungry but nothing sounds good
i desperately want to go guzzle a 44 ounce coca cola
but i wont
i am afraid i am going to catch jeffs cold
ive had a lingering migraine since sunday
i really wish i could sleep in everyday
probably shouldnt be posting, but

now – you are only allowed to comment if you want to join in with me. vent away. list form is fast and easy. it will help you let go of some of your BLEH-ness. go for it. im going to go hop in the shower and put on some music that will pump me up. maybe some beastie boys, maybe some damien marley, maybe my classic rock playlist. yes, thats the one. some stones and some grateful dead will do the trick.

Join the Conversation


  1. UGH~ I am an elementary teacher for kids with sever disabilities and they were so excited today, I am so tired and blah over Halloween, so I totally understand…don’t know what my problem is right now…so glad to know I am not the only one…thanks for sharing!

    Happy Halloween Tara!

  2. dude my house is always trashed – I have four kids…don’t you???

    And this ain’t whiney but I LOVE DAMIAN MARLEY — so so so much. Have you listened to Stephen’s first solo album MIND CONTROL? Damian sings on some of the songs and it ROX MY SOX off – so off the topic of whining but…you brought it up!!!!

  3. i spent 2 hours soaking and washing my doona. It looks like new. It smelt fab. I dried it and turned it every hour..despite not having time. I walked out to get it and discovered it had blown next door and a rather large smelly outdoor dog that lives there was sleeping on my freshly washed pristine doona.. Does it have fleas? aargghhh!
    My husband isnt coming home till 1am.. so i have to do it all today. I have a cold coming. I have a client coming despite it not really working for me today… and I have to do groceries and I want to watch movies and snuggle under a new doona. Bought a 5D this week (sorry had to say it.. woohoot – now back to grumping) so probably shouldnt be buying a new doona!

    Pity party for more than one.. with fleas?

  4. Took my kids/everyone elses kids to the Halloween party and I get the dodgy hotdog that makes me throw up all night.

    Can write my name in the dust on the table (the kids wrote theirs last week)

    The clocks have gone back and now it feels like it’s permanently dark and cold.

    Have just watched a diet programme on tv while eating box of chocs, even feeling slightly sick from the dodgy hotdog last night doesn’t stop me :-(

  5. I feel the same way this year. Went to the pumpkin patch with the neices and nephews and bought pumkins and everything. I just don’t feel like carving them so this year they will sit there. Also made a deal with my room mate. I would actually clean her office if she handed out the candy. How sick am I?

  6. so in the same mind-set.
    not feeling the usual love of Halloween today.
    why does my 16 yr old want to be a French Maid for Halloween?
    can’t believe i let my son go to a college i can’t afford.
    why does my house feel so small and confining?
    want to ignore my cell phone, email, texting or any other form of electronic leash.

  7. I soooo needed the forum to rant tonight, thank you for that!

    1. Hate doing everyone else’s job and not getting my own work done.

    2. Hate that everyone is late with their work, but since I’m the one who sends it to the printer, it’s MY fault when it’s not in on the due date.

    3. NOT into Halloween at all this year, no parties, no costume, no candy…not even for the kids. My porch light is out tonight.

    4. First Halloween in 5 years that I’m home alone.

    5. No plans for my birthday on Saturday…not even any options at this point.

    That’s all…I know it could be worse, but it’s bad enough for me to need to sulk.

  8. I feel your pain.

    Our basement is a wreck, has been since we moved in over 11 years ago. As such, I couldn’t find the Halloween decorations I bought last year, so I went out and got new ones. As I was down there doing laundry the other day, I spotted last years decorations stuffed into one corner.

    My 12 year old decided not to go out trick or treating this year so she could stay home and hand out candy. I’m afraid no one will show up because we live on a busy street, there’s no sidewalk and we are set way back.

    Hope the shower and the music help you out. Beastie Boys are always a good choice. :)

  9. i’m fat.
    my parents may get divorced.
    i have no energy.
    i don’t want to lose weight though i should.
    i’m fat.
    i feel like i suck at everything i love.
    my house is never clean enough for me which is beyond frustrating..ocd anyone?
    i feel like i suck at life.
    but i love looking at your beautiful photography…it reminds me there is good in the world.

  10. STRONGLY disinterested in Halloween.
    Co-workers love Halloween.
    Didn’t get out a single decoration this year.
    And because I didn’t get out Halloween stuff my Thanksgiving things aren’t out yet. And I L.O.V.E. Thanksgiving.
    Now I feel like a Scrooge (or would that be a ghoul?)
    Drove five hours today to make a 25-minutes presentation.
    16-year old daughter tells me last night I’m a horrible mother because I haven’t helped with her costume (she’s only handing OUT candy, not trick-or-treating!!). And we didn’t get pumpkins and the grocery store was out. She still had physics homework to do but she was focusing on our poor family unit. Can you tell what they’re studying in sociology???
    Really, really dislike Halloween.

    Wow – that felt so great – thanks Miss T!!!

  11. -i’m mad that ive put myself in the situation im in
    -i’m mad that i can’t afford costumes for my kids
    -i’m mad that i won’t be able to afford Christmas
    -i’m really mad with the health insurance company we have cuz i need to have an outpatient surgery but can’t afford it cuz the out of pocket expense is really high

  12. I have lots of pissies too—but all I want right now is to go out and run a few miles to clear my head. its pouring rain. and slippery. and no kids at the door.

    all these goodies for naught.

    oh well, tomorrow is another day to have even more pissies.

  13. Got in a car accident and got whiplash. Now my back, neck and shoulders, the only parts of me that used to feel good hurt like hell.

    I’ve missed two days of work and I’m sure my boss is pissed as hell at me.

    My husband still doesn’t have a job even though he’s trying to find one every day.

    The unemployment checks are lost in the mail or something, so we’re totally poor.

    Because of having no money, we skipped a Halloween party (no costumes, no money to buy communal booze), bought no candy, got one pumpkin (that I don’t want to carve) and I didn’t get to make cute cupcakes (no money to buy stuff to make frosting and not in the mood).

    Heck, we can’t even pay our bills and are going into deeper debt every month.

    I want to have a baby but was diagnosed with PCOS, so now I know if we can have one it’s going to be very hard.

    I’m still overweight and have just started to lose because they put me on meds, but I have a long way to go and I’m tired of being fat.

    I really want pizza for dinner, but can’t because of diet, so more salad for me.

    I’m just in a pissy mood.

  14. Not really in the mood for Halloween either

    Coincidentally, have had a recurring migraine (never really goes away) since Saturday

    Pregnant, but not enough to really look pregnant yet so just feel really fat

    House is a disaster due to all the extracurricular activities that come along with Halloween

    Car battery died on the way home from work today

    Just an icky day…

    I’m going to follow your lead and while I can’t take a shower right now, I’m going to crank up some music, dance around with the kiddos and see if I can at least get my entryway tidied so trick or treaters don’t get too scared. :)

  15. mad at the HH (hunky hubby) because he wouldn’t battle through the garage jungle and GET OUT THOSE DECORATIONS. daughter not happy either.

    money is frickin’ TIGHT. no end in sight. where does it GO? we thought his new job would be better. suddenly it seems we have even LESS.

    work is really rough. too many people in crisis (i work in ministry). too many things going on. too much to do. not enough free time, me time, quiet time.

    house is so messy (and i confess, DIRTY under the mess) that if you showed up at my house we’d stay out on the porch… can’t get the kids to clean up, the HH is just as bad, the dog is shedding, the cat is too…

    i almost wish i WOULD get sick, just so i could ‘legally’ spend more time in bed. then again, unless i was hospitalized i’d have to do it all anyway, so what difference would it make? i’d just feel like crap while i was overworked.

    hey–you’re right, i do feel better!

    but even better than that would be for all of us to get together and do it again over a glass (or three!) of wine…

  16. What fun! A chance to vent “out loud”! Thanks Tara.

    Have a cold—for more than a week now…still coughy, glucky, snuffy….Ugh
    ‘Cause of cold I cough all night, can’t sleep, feel guilty thinking I’m keeping hubby up…
    Wood stove keeps smoking, stinking up house, have learned to hate that smell…
    Forever living paycheck to paycheck, sporadic paychecks since hubby & I are self employed…
    Health Insurance eating up any spare $
    Only large stove element broken—have to cook on small elements…
    Washer bit my thumb again today….ouch…
    3 loads of laundry to fold…
    SB area buried under piles of junk,
    Dining room remodel going on it’s second year now… (see self employed, lack of $, & do-it-yourself hubby)

    But, hey, I found a terrific neon pink bandaid for my thumb, because the dining room is being remodeled we have most everything moved out except the essentials—love the uncluttered room, love the wood stove heat when it’d not belching smoke, & tho we never get kids here hardly for halloween I had 2 magazine sales guys come by in costume this afternoon & tho I didn’t buy any magazines I sent them off w/candy!

  17. here i come…
    kids spending 2nd hour in front of tv.
    pumpkin guts still on table
    toddler refused nap (hence the 2nd hour in front of tv)
    husband didn’t come home last night…ever (big work deadline hasn’t been home most nights since june)
    love halloween but really resent doing all the prep, school activities, decorating, etc. etc. totally alone.
    really resented all the husbands at the school today.
    sick of the pinkeye in both my eyes
    hate the glasses i have to wear cuz i can’t wear the contacts
    really super duper sick of this messy house and knowing that not a damn thing will get put away or changed in any way unless i do it.
    and feelin’ crappy that i feel this way when i have healthy kids and husband.

    ok, i’m done. thanks for the vent sesh.

  18. cranky because….
    1) Husband ALWAYS bee-yatches about his job, his problems, but the Wife gets none of the same privledges.

    2) going to the Kings game tonight and sitting in a skybox, which is good, but as you know, driving to downtown LA sucky-suck-sucks.

    3) i HATE that not one, but TWO people came in today with their babies, and we have none.

    4) i HATE that i’m so fat, but so dang lazy that i won’t join Weight Watchers. bleah.

    there’s more, but i can post ’em on my own dang blog. hoping your funk wears off!

  19. I’m soo having a crappy day..

    So behind on everything!! Kids wearing the same thing as last year.. too bad soo sad.. waited too long to get pumpkins.. drove to 6 stores.. and couldn’t find anything but flippin’ 8 dollar fairytale pumpkins.. yeah whatever… youngest wants to be with her girlfriends.. oldest wants to crawl under a rock.. WHO gets a detention on Halloween!! Gee.. can’t follow direction today.. what are you new!! awwhhh… I could go on but it’s depressing me furrther…

  20. BLAH

    That should do it and I hate my computer getting stuck on capitals

  21. well here goes

    my son won’t sleep though the night and he is 3 1/2 thinks he can only sleep with me and so I am so tired and just want some time to myself.

    I was asked to leave my son’s halloween party yesterday because my son was having a major melt down with me there.

    my 16 year old is failing german 2 and doesn’t seem to care that he is. thinks that it doesn’t matter.

    my 13 year old feels like the world is against her

    my husband has been out of town for a week and feels that he has it the worst even though he gets to eat out everyday sleep by himself(at least I hope he is haha) and have some one clean up after himself…

    oh I could go on and on so I will leave it at this,
    thanks Tara for this I feel better:)

  22. I’ve read most of everyone’s comments and had to comment once more.

    I love you all!!!…..truly how special is it to have a place where you can vent without fear of being judged! As cliche as it might sound…I think a group hug might do us all good!

    Tomorrow we should all post of something we are truly thankful for! I hope you all have a wonderful night/evening!

  23. here’s my bitches…

    *6 months preggers with #3 and still randomly getting sick
    *have absolutely NO ENERGY at all this whole time
    *my house is a total wreck, some of it due to making room for baby (ie. moving scrap/playroom to basement and kid’s moving rooms) and some of it due to the above (NO ENERGY)-TOTAL DISASTER, i’m embarrassed, but tired
    *dh informs me yesterday a work friend will be in town for dinner tomorrow night
    *dh informs me this morning that said friend will be staying the night tomorrow
    *dh informs me this afternoon that said work friend AND his wife will be here @ noon tomorrow and will be staying the night..WTF?
    *did you read the above about me being totally robbed of ALL energy?
    *secretly plotting burial of husband’s body somewhere not easily accessed. ;0)

  24. Might I suggest Limp Bizkit’s break stuff? It feels good in moments like this.
    My house is trashed and I only have one kid.
    My kid needs a shower but because he’s got issues he can’t just take as stupid shower he has to be coerced.
    Did I mention my house is trashed?
    I hate my job.
    My job is boring.
    I hate gettin up in the AM.
    I want to do something artistic but can’t cause my scrap area is well….TRASHED….
    My extended family is all a bunch of loons.
    They get on my nerves and that makes me feel ungrateful.
    I feel better now. This was like post secret or something.

  25. My baby Bearded dragon died today
    My daughter has the stomach virus
    I had to miss my 4 yo school party because my daughter is sick
    My laundry is overpowering my house because of this stomach virus!!!
    I have a headache
    Dreading getting the stomach virus :(

  26. Well. I only have one tiny complaint! I’m taking an online graduate class. The prof posted ONE 2 hour lecture, gave us a bunch of websites to review (no text book is required), and wants us to write THREE 20-page papers. WTH? I love to write, but WHAT can I write for 20 pages? He hasn’t even taught the freaking class!!! Loser.

    Done! :-) Happy Halloween!

  27. I have fifty-million things to do.
    All I want to do is sit still and be quiet.
    Where do I begin?
    It’s been a week of mommy meltdowns.
    Love my family but haven’t been acting like it.
    Crabby. Emotional. Tired.

    It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who slides into the ditch! Hope you’re feeling better soon Tara.

  28. I love Halloween since it is my son’s birthday! But…I hate that I’ve let everything go too. My house is the pitts. My desk? What desk? I can’t see it anymore. I have things all over the place and I just can’t stand it anymore either. I feel like taking a big garbage can to it all. Thanks for letting me vent too!

  29. a pity party>> I’m so there!! Where to begin…..
    we have water bugs everywhere in our house and I can’t get rid of them.

    The weather in MN is getting less and less ‘normal’ every year and it sucks. It was 50 degrees last night at 10p when I went to bed but now it’s only 42 and I”m supposed to send my kids out in this crap to trick or treat?

    My Charlie is really struggling w/Kindergarten and now his daycare lady just asked us to leave, gave us two week notice and BOTH kids have to go because she has a waiting list!! WHAT THE F%U#%&@&%K!

    My boss won’t pay me the time and a half comp time I have earned, he just wants me to adjust my hours… well here you go buddy, I don’t have daycare so I”ll be picking up my kid everyday from Kindergarten and guess what that meaans I have to leave 30 min early everyday!

    I hate my hair…no style.. growing it out sucks!

    I hated my co-worker today because I think she’s had a near death experience so nothing is ‘important’ to her!

    Oh Tara…happy belated, eat chocolate, drink what you want..hell I’ve had two crown/cokes every night this week..could be a problem… hiccup. HA!

    Love you!!!!

  30. My house is a mess too- 1/2 finished piles of stuff everywhere.
    I don’t have any energy to clean it.
    I’m mad that I have high blood sugar and now have to cut carbs and sugar in hopes I don’t become a full diabetic.
    I’m also mad that dr.’s have said I have chronic fatigue syndrome.
    I hurt and I’m tired.
    I feel totally alone and totally pissed that I don’t have the energy I want or need to be the mom/wife I want to be.
    My Halloween decorations never made it out of the garage either.

    …Thanks for making me feel less alone!

  31. Tara – it is ok to feel this way – 4 kids – 1 hubby and a schedule that you carry – it will catch up – we are not super human beings, our weakness as a Wife, Mother and Female is we are expected to be strong and take on the world – well guess what we sometimes wish that EVERYONE would pick up their dirty clothes – remember the clothes hamper – hang up the towels, toys where they belong – do homework – and the list goes on. I decided to clean out some cupboards as I am running out of room for all the things I probably need to part with – anyhoo as of this evening I have reduced the 4 clothes baskets of junk down to 1, and this is only 1 cupboard oh my ……… I really enjoy your blog– take time out for yourself – you are special

  32. i hear you sister! i had a case of the blehhs too today – which isn’t so good when you’re an emotional eater with leftover chocolate brownie birthday cake & kettle chips in the house! yep i totally fell of the diet bandwagon! so kudos for resisting that cola! ;)

    btw. i’ve heard that taking a magnesium supplement can really help stop migraines. hope you’re feeling better soon! :)

  33. In the words of Ali…”It’s ok!” I think we all need days like that to keep us sane! I always feel like I am doing a constant cycle of laundry….oh wait I am!(3 teenagers) Some times it is good just to say what the heck and let yourself off the hook! Your children won’t remember the one Halloween you didn’t put stuff up…they will remember all the cool things you have done with them and special times you’ve shared! (at least that is my excuse when I don’t want to clean or do anything! :) Shelley

  34. sad about politics, and the violence in my home town of philadelphia. very sad about that situation.

    as far as migrains. i have them all the time. hormonal and whacked out hormones means weight loss issues i have to tackle. but really don’t want to.

  35. I’m pissed I did not see this yesterday.

    I have a HORRIBLE neighbor who turned my 13 year old photo studio business into the city because he didnt like it when someone put their nose in his driveway and turned around.

    Its our only source of income.

    And I have no place to do it at.

    And I have until November 19 to STOP?


    My bipolar daughter got in trouble, and gave up HALLOWEEN and chose a week in her room so she could go to a 2 hour dance? The screaming from that event went on for like two hours!

    I survived.

    I’m trying to eat only 1400 calories a day and I am a comfort food eater.

    I need to eat comfort food.


    Thank you for letting me vent.

  36. Went to HEB(grocery store) yesterday to pick up Halloween candy that my husband insisted I put out. Even though there’s noone home to hand it out…and we have had the ‘whole bowl’ stolen before.
    Walk in…my son throws a fit…God knows why…throws his sister’s gameboy on the floor. Gameboy goes to the left…game to the right…under equipment. He is still secreaming…hands in mouth. OMG!!! Walk all over the damn store to get to the candy…son still screaming…hands in mouth. I am about to snap..literally gonna beat him. Trying to throw some candy crap in basket. He sees a transformer. Now screaming ‘I want that transformer’….just over and over and over again. Other shoppers think I am a mad woman…they may be right. Did I mention I walked outside TWICE to beat his little butt…he’s is screaming….NO MOMMY…NO!!!! Get to register…he calmly says…’I want to go trick or treating mom’. Gets down…holds my hand…perfect angel. I truely wish that this was the only time this has happened…but…no..it is all the time…all the freaking time. Thi8 in conjunction with pretty much all you had to say about the way you feel and your house in disarray….feeling it too honey…feelin it too!!
    Thanks Tara…that felt pretty good!

  37. I’m tired.
    I’m 20 lbs too big.
    I’ve been waiting 16 months for my second child and I could be waiting up to many years more.
    I have a lot to do today and not much time to do it in.
    The INS paperwork for our second child has expired and it is going to cost us $900 because we were late getting it filed.
    Etc, etc, etc.

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