Yindi Willow


this was taken today in emily’s backyard. we did a quick quick quick couple of shots before little miss was ready for a feed. i just love her so much. i love snuggling on her. i feel so connected to her. i miss her when i havent seen her in a few days! i honestly think this is my most favorite photo in the entire world at this moment. the way the ivy is framing the stump is just magical. she looks like a little woodland fairy all snuggled up and waiting for someone to come along and love her.


and one emily shot of me with the girls…auntie tara!


fun to have a baby to model for me whenever i want.

okay friends-about the hair and brows-THANK YOU! i really appreciate the hot/cute/feminine comments because ive been feeling anything BUT the last few months. i really need to get it on – and start dieting and exercising. im so unhappy with the weight ive put on in the last two years. it will happen when it happens, i know. but i felt pretty yesterday reading all of your sweet comments and i appreciate it SO MUCH!

as for my brows-i am blessed/cursed with huge brows. like brooke shield crossed with a muppet. not good. it is really hard for me to keep them groomed properly. but i have a girl that you have got to go to if you live in the LA area or the valley. she works at the allen edwards salon in encino and her name is mandy. she does THE BEST JOB ever. and ive had a lot of brow work done in my life! i wish she lived closer. if you go see her, please tell her i sent you. it will make her happy. :)

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  1. Okay Tara you don’t know me from a bar of soap but girl you are making me wanna have another baby and you as my bestest friend in the world!

    Now since it would be a physical impossibility for me to have another baby I will just have to make do with looking at your fantastic photos of Yindi!

    And the shot of Em and Yindi is just simply breathtaking!

    You so totally inspire me as a photographer and for that girl I gotta thank you immensely.

    Oh and I so know what you mean bout the brows! Mine look like they belong in the deepest darkest jungle to be found!

  2. when we met at Memory Trends you made me feel better about my weight…and sometimes when I feel down I remember you making me feel better so I want to do the same to you. You are an incredibly talented beautiful gal and I know how hard it is to lose weight. If only you could see yourself the way your fans do, right? :)

  3. Tara, as a fellow photographer, i gotta say you are my hero! i so love your work and this photo of little Yindi just does my head in its so beautiful. My best friend is having a baby at the end of the year…im so going to try something like this!Thankyou for the inspiration.

  4. Your love for them shines through in those pictures. There is nothing better than being the fun auntie who gets to love and spoil them. I LOVE all your stuff, but these may be my favorite. Thanks so much for sharing your gift with us.
    Oh, and the shirt that you are wearing in the 3rd one is fantastic! Where did you get it?

  5. WOW, you are so good at what you do! That photo of Yindi is my fav baby picture ever! So beautiful and peaceful! They are lucky to have you document everything for them. And I love the brows and bangs too!

  6. Tara, all of your photos are just lovely, I stalk your blog regularly soaking up all the colour and quirky details in your photos. BUT, we rarely see you, I like your new hairstyle so don’t be so hard on yourself …. more photos of you please. Oh, that photo of Yindi on the stump is just delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  7. this is SUCH a beautiful photo. i am in awe of your creative eye. it helps that the subject is just so sweet and precious too…congrats to you, too, “Auntie!”

  8. Tara I so feel you on the brows. Mine are exactly the same, just hairy and thick and dark like Bert and Ernie…. NE ways I wish there was someone round here I could see, but I don’t so I pluck and I have to literally do it everyday b/c they grow like I’m sprinking Miracle-Gro on them…wish the hair on my head would grow so fast!!

    You look great girl!

  9. okay that first one is breathtaking. it made me think of those Anne Geddes pictures, but on the way opposite end of creepy..which means yours are WAY better. I’m sorry, but sometimes picturing a baby as a snail or a worm just doesn’t fly with me.

    but Yindi? amongst the ivy? oh yeah.

    I bet they wuuuuvvvveee their Auntie Tara :)

  10. Always love baby pics… but what really got me is the one Em took of you three. Love emotional photos. That takes the cake.

    And as a fellow photographer, isn’t it funny how your favorite changes EVERY shoot you do? It’s almost like… ok, been there, seen that one 1000000 times, but this NEW one takes my breath away all over again. I’ve heard it said before that artist’s favorite projects are ALWAYS the ones they are currently working on, otherwise, why do it?

    It’s what keeps me going!

  11. Love the photo of Yindi, what a doll! I love all your photos!

    I’m with you on the weight thing. I finally joined Weight Watchers and I’m taking a boxing class twice a week. It is so much fun boxing and I have lost 10lbs since May 21.

  12. Hi, I only just stumbled onto your blog, and I’m so glad I did. I’ve wanted to be a photographer, have been saving up for a decent camera and courses and such, but have been thinking maybe not since it’s so expensive. But then I saw your Yindi in the ivy pic, and it reaffirmed my faith. Thank you for that.

    I know I don’t know you, but I think you look beautiful. Granted, it’s one or two pics on a blog, but still. Don’t be too hard on yourself, ok? We all want to change something, but never forget you’re already gorgeous!!

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