left my heart in

this was gloriously unposed. i think shane was the only one who knew it was being taken. karissa, me, alisha, tony, mom, shane.

tony, mom, alisha, me, shane…laying in the sun and taking it all in.

playing at cheesecake factory.


karissa, mom, alisha, me – more playing at cheesecake factory.

after breakfast-cool deli. cool jefe.


glowing after a good old navy shopping trip. :)


my sister alisha in front of cool doors at nordstrom.

mom and i wanted to stay here forever. love the vibe.


my happy parentals.


my cozy drinking wine in an italian cafe parentals.


cant get enough of the photo booths! this one was totally old school.


we were in san francisco last weekend on a family vacay without the kids-my mom, dad, sisters, and brother.
we love that city and havent been in years, since i was pregnant with mckenna and didnt even know it yet.

so we made our way back up and had a blast! my crazy family-my mom got a tattoo, my sister got her lip pierced, and my dad got his ear pierced…we wanted to do it all together, and have a cool story to go along with it. we got lost. they made fun of me for only bringing flip flops. we shopped. we ate at cool little cafes. we LOVED EVERY MINUTE.

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  1. Oh Tara, I´m so HAPPY you had such a blast beeing with your family. Those fun and LOVELY images totally document your feelings for each other and the GREAT time you spent together.
    You totally deserved that, girl *sends hugs*

  2. Oh, my gosh! I can get a comment in before there’s a gazillion!!!

    Your family is so beautiful! I love the idea of a family kid-free vacation. Just wanted to say “Hi!”. I drop by every day and always enjoy the color and the fun and the realism within each photo you take.

    Thank you! :)

  3. Tara…love your photos..heading to SF in October with the hubby and kids…where was the picture taken that looks like the opening scene of “Full House” with MaryKate and Ashley Olsen…the row of houses on the diaganol? Love your work…

  4. cool pics.
    your fam reminds me…
    of mine.
    my mom just went with my nieces to get…
    a tattoo.
    funny. she’s 57.
    we are crazy but happy.
    glad you had a good time.

  5. Dear Tara

    I have started reading your blogg a couple of weeks ago – after the american gals came down for a visit – Donna Ali and Cathy.

    Your photos are just not pictures they are telling a story. I love how you capture the real thing, the love, the fun, the mystery, the intriging and the magical essense. I love how you make a simple location have substance, feeling and texture.

    You certainly inspire, me my friend. Keep up the great work.

    Debra Sydney

  6. I WANNA GO BACK……I want to eat more italian food,lay at Alamo park again. I want to bring the crisp air home with me.I want to smell the incense and drown myself in the peace signs…I want to lean up against Soul patch and have you take my picture.I want more coffee from the peoples cafe (I miss Haight Asbury, can you tell…) Most of all I LOVED having us all together.Tony and I would be walking behind you and look at each other and smile. You did not know our hearts were bursting. All he said was…Just look, our family.

    A treasured memory

  7. omigosh…home!! I grew up right across the bay in a small town called Hercules. It’s about 15 minutes from Berkeley. Seeing your pictures reminds me of what I left behind, but I think I might be going up there in a few weeks just for a quick visit! There’s so much more that the Bay Area has to offer…you have to go again!

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