since i have been sick i havent taken any photos in a week. but i felt better two nights ago and jeff convinced me to go with him and the kids to the park. i went, and then felt even worse that night. but i did get some fun shots while i was there.


Img_1775copy Img_1793copy

and…something i have been thinking about doing for a long time…i have been helping people with their images here and there, and i decided to go ahead and make it official. i am not sure how much interest i will have, so i am not sure how well i will be able to juggle this. so lets take it slow and see how it goes.


Join the Conversation


  1. Awesome idea… so you wouldn’t consider selling the actions so we could do this on our own??? Either way very cool, I am suer it will be super popular!

  2. Just the thought of my little old photos with the Tara touch – sigh. But better yet have you thought of teaching a class over at Stacy J Big Picture ? Now that would very cool.

  3. I’m in…
    didn’t take long to make that decision!
    will take a little longer to:
    figure out the zip thing
    pick the photos special enough for a tara-proof
    should we email them to you or do you want us to contact you first and let you schedule us?
    Thank you!!!

  4. WhooHoo Tara! I am so excited and I want to pick some pics to have you play with. I get paid next week and will put it in the budget. I am so hoping that you teach with Big Picture too! I would love to pick your brain girl! Or at least be the butterfly on the wall to see you work your magic.

  5. How cool! It is so fun to watch your business grow and do so well. Here’s to doing what you love and getting paid for it!!! Best of luck to you!

  6. Very Cool! What an awesome Idea. You’ve inspired me to start playing with Levels and Curves more. In fact I think I first heard the word “curves” used in this way from your blog. I just posted a sample of playing with photoshop on my blog! Im addicted!

  7. Tara, I just want to say your a fantastic and super talented photographer. What a wonderful gift and talent to share! Keep up the good work and thanks so much for sharing your craft with the electronic world!

  8. Hope you feel better soon. I will send you an email. You have such a brillant eye for color. Thank you so much for offering this service. Lauren

  9. Way to go Tara…

    I have a similar service here in Australia. Except I will sit there and fix them up.. i think you might be a little smarter than me and skip that part of the process!

    Good luck with it .. love the proof website!

  10. heather-no, i get good lighting from the sun. ;) but i pop my colors in photo shop afterward.

    beth-turquoise is my FAVORITE color. i cant stop looking for it everywhere. a garage door! awesome!

  11. It is so cool to watch you evolve in your work. It will be so great of you to offer it to other people. I miss my little curly head in the proof banner. Whoa has time flew by since then! I am so glad you used her. Get this, this week I am actually getting my TW portraits (from last year) printed, and I bought frames, to smother our mantle with. Finally!

  12. ooh, how cool!! I’ve been trying to give my photos a “tara” touch by experimenting with PS on my own but it would be even cooler to have one done by Tara herself!! are you charging for this service??

  13. t

    i have been using ps programs since 1991…my background is graphic design…i think it is wonderful that you and many others inspire so many women to play with technology…it can be sooooo much fun!

  14. Love your photography. I visit your site from time to time. I am no way near and expert and my photos are not that great at all. I would love the opportunity to send you some special shots of my son, for you to work your magic on, some time in the near future.

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