

seeing this, i understand why people love photos of their families all together. a friend said its like a puzzle. everyone all together like this. you fit together like a puzzle. and that is totally what it is.

i cant stop looking at it, examining the body language and the feeling.

i set up my camera on a picnic table for this shot last night at a wilderness park/trail. i love our shoes peeking out the bottom. i need to buy a tripod so i can do this more often.

i know, i know…laugh now that *I* dont own a tripod.

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  1. i think that we all get caught up in taking the photos of everyone elses families that we sometimes neglect getting in the photo with our own families. great photo!! what a cute little famlily you are. it makes me want to go and capture my little family too. thanks!

  2. Even little ol’ me has a tripod! Very cute photo Tara, you all look great, very happy! You need to do that more often! First stop, buy yourself a tripod! hehehehe Ü


  3. can you imagine carrying a tripod around with you ‘just incase’?? come on now!
    this photo is so divine. i looked at it for ages too, and i love how everyone is just ‘so them’. i was like – thats SO mckenna! thats SO, um, all of you! beautiful family you!

  4. hahaha this one is so cute T, you all look so happy and relaxed :)
    to tell you the truth, first I bought a tripod and then the camera came way after that LOL
    Just one question. How do you get the photo so sharp like that. When I take f.e. a photo of myself it is all blurry.
    What were the setting of the camera? I wanna make one just like it :) :)


  5. Sometimes I think I’m so into catching that perfect shot of my kids ~ either together or separately ~ that I tend to forget myself. Then, there are the other times that I’m having a bad hair day or I’m having a PMS breakout (you’d think that since I’m in my 30’s I would have outgrown this by now)! I know, excuses, excuses!

    I truly LOVE how you have captured your family. What a beautiful picture! Now, girl, go out and buy yourself a tripod! You definitely need to do this more often ~ so do I!

  6. great picture, I keep a tripod in the back of our van (not that I remember to use it very often, but I am sure YOU would).

    I’d love to hear what you have to say about the body language of some of the subjects in your pictures!!

  7. love the pic for sure. my comments are mostly about the p.o.d. the pic of drew is so breathtaking. his eyes are shocking. yum. and anna as a baby. time flies. so cute. and sharla and her necklace. very nice pic. by the way i need to go to other wal-marts. mine doesn’t have it anymore. so i am still looking for now loves.

  8. beautimus!

    seriously, a tripod would be more of a hassle than it’s worth. imagine their faces had you made them stop and wait for you to put the dang thing up and set up your camera and all that.

    i love it!

  9. I own a tripod and prefer the set up on a picnic table method. I’ve been running the fifty yard dash to get in the picture before the shutter goes. I have a remote too but I prefer the no tripod, run like mad method of photography. Natural, you know?

  10. Great picture — darling family!

    I have to say, I really like the picnic-table-as-camera-holder option. It gives the picture personality.

    I also think there’s something to be said about the hold-the-camera-at-arms-length-and-hope-for-the-best option, too. :)

    I don’t leave a comment very often at all, but I do love your work and always check for new pictures!

  11. I’ve been lurking on your blog for awhile now. Love, love your pictures and posts. We both have a youngest named Anna and they look to be about the same age. I was almost in tears while reading your comments on her baby picture in pic of the day. This family pic is great. I wonder: did you pose the kids or did you tell everyone to just climb up?

  12. I have been so inpsired by Courtney Kelly to take more family portraits lately. I have the tripod and remote switch on my list for Mother’s Day. The more casual the photo the more I love it, your one is great.

  13. yeah, that is all why i dont have one….i like the risk i guess. :)

    my aperture was at 6.0 and my shutter was about 250. to get it in focus, i put the focal point on jeffs chest. i took four. every other one was blurry or cut us off (me punching the button and running)

    i just told everyone to sit there. didnt tell them what to do. that is what is so great about family portraits….i tell them where to go, but not what to do. i let them do what they do. that is whats so cool to see what MY family does…you know?

    they were all so excited that the camera was going to take a picture without me there-and they thought it was funny the way i was weaving and dodging through the picnic tables and running to get to them. i was shocked to see them all looking.

  14. You´re the queen of photography, Tara – even if you´re not directly behind the camera ;)
    This is a very sweet shot and once again I gotta let you know, how lucky you are to have such a sweet and loving family – it´s a BEAUTIFUL shot of the 6 of you together ♥

  15. For some reason, I want to make you a page with this photo. Would that be weird? It makes me so happy, but all these ideas for a page pop into my head…

  16. you know what? i am actually starting to like the “prop it up on a rock” shot. i am a big fan of symmetry and order and what not, but i am coming around to the uneven, skewed look of these shots. i like all the other benches in this pic that are kinda blocking out most of our legs. so my vote is to keep on doing the “one-handed self portraits” and the “nate take off your shoe so i can prop the camera up” shots!

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