i love you, internet

there is a diet coke commercial that i tivo’d once-just so that i could hear the song that played on it over and over. its the roller skate girl on the beach drinking diet coke one.

i love that song.

tonight, in my search engine, i typed: diet coke roller skate commercial.

and i found a link to a blog that led me to the album that the song is on.

starry eyed surprise

fantastic. wonderful.

what the freaking HELL did we ever do without the internet people??!!!!

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  1. Hey Tara… that diet coke commercial always sticks in my head too. Glad I’m not the only one ;)

    Starry Eyed Surprise… now is that available on iTunes?? :)


  2. Geez, Tara… I am personally making Steve Jobs a freaking ton of money!! Add another .99 to his pocket! ;)

    So yes, Deborah, available on itunes. :)

  3. I love that song, I always hear it during the previews at the movies and always tried to remember a few words so I could google the song later. Finally remember some of the words a few months ago and downloaded the whole song. I love the internets.

  4. That is so funny – I love that song too. It is such a happy commercial with the sparkly stuff flying around & the music. I even love the print ad from it. Well, I guess that’s what marketing is all about.

    Happy surfing : )

  5. Without the internet, I wouldn’t “know” you…Oh yeah. My life has been enriched because of the world wide web. You are miles away and it’s most likely our lives will never cross- but I still get to see into your life and sometimes I think people share the best parts of it on their blog. Thanks, as always, Tara. Gotta love the internet!!

  6. i don’t know what i ever did without it either lol! i love the commercial by Dove (about girls/self esteem)my girls and i watched it on the internet like 100x in one day LOL!

  7. i know EXACTLY what commercial you are talking about! that song always makes me feel so happy! i’m going to see if i can find it on napster right now! thanks for the tip!

    now, can you find the song with the lyrics, “i like the way that you move,” that they’ve been playing during the NBA games?? i’ve searched all over the place. :D


  8. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve used the internet for such things. I have that Toyota car commercial song…and the one from Nick Drake that Volkswagon used once on my computer, from the Net of course. And of obviously, I love the net cuz it led me to Mrs. Tara Whitney!! Now to go listen to that song since I never watch enough tv to know which commercial you were talking about, lol.

  9. I just did the same thing a month or so ago with the song from the chase credit card commercial, 100 years. LOVE that song. love Tivo, love the internet. (one of the things i am doing A LOT lately is to search for the words to songs I’ve loved all my life, but you hit “that spot” in the song…and you KNOW you’re just making up the words, but it works?? One of my favorite was long cool woman in a black dress by the hollies…30 years later it finally makes sense!) have a great day

  10. That is so funny, I made my daughter do the same thing for the exact same commercial (because I am not so computer savvy-I don’t know how to download songs or burn discs yet), thankful for the internet and my child that is so much more adept at using it! xox to miss t!

  11. If you guys love songs from commercials, you probably already know about Moby. If not, check out his work. My hubby and I love his stuff (some people hate him, natch). Oh, and Fat Boy Slim if you like some funky hard stuff. And Paul Okenfold (sp) is always good!

  12. Have been a lurker since the very beginning of your blog, but just had to come out of the shadows to comment on this post! The more I learn of you, the more it seems we have in common…

    The first time I heard this commercial, it stuck in my head. So, I would sit and watch TV, pen and paper in hand, waiting for it to come back on again. When it did, I scribbled down as many of the lyrics as I could, googled them, and found the song. I instantly bought it at iTunes and it is the #1 song on my “Motivation Mix”. LOVE IT!!!

    And I love your blog. And your beautiful, beautiful family. Thanks for letting us all into your world.

  13. too funny! That is a great commercial…the girls and I could swear that it’s filmed in Zuma beach….do you know? maybe I’ll have to google THAT! haahaa

  14. I know what you mean about commercial songs… I really like the one HP uses for the one where the person puts frames over his head over and over (Picture Book by The Kinks). And I also like the theme used for Vonage (“Woo Hoo”, by The’s). Such consumerism. :)

  15. Wow! That is so my favorite commercial. I jump up and dance and just love that commercial. It was from last summer and I was super excited to start seeing it again. It reminds me of highschool summer days down at the boardwalk. (I live in San Diego)Super excited to see that it isn’t just me! I have never been so excited about a commercial. Thanks for the link to the song. Also- I usually just lurk and admire your amazing photos but I just had to comment on this post. Crystal

  16. well the internet brought us to you – now thats summink to fink about (in a non stalker like fashion!)

    And its helping me with the international scrap yourslef challenge … can’t waot to you see your baby (have you seen Cathy’s? **THUD**)

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