this little turkey

is happiness sporting a tre chic paper bag vest.

happy thanksgiving to my US readers.

happy day to the rest.

gobble gobble

edited for jodi, figured more people might want to know how i took these. its really easy to take photos indoors with no flash, with a digital camera. you change your white balance setting to whatever light you are shooting in. in anna’s classroom the lighting is fluorescent, so my white balance was changed to that. i also brought my ISO up as high as it would go, and i shot in manual. if you dont know how to shoot in manual, choosing the AV function (aperture priority) is the next best thing for this situation because it wont allow your camera to flash. scroll your aperture down to the lowest number it will go. (aperture is the number on the right side of the meter display, 4.5, 5.6, etc. most average lenses will go as low as 5.6, if you have a better lens, it will go even lower. the lens i shot these with goes to 2.8. the lower the number, the more light your lens will “see”.) then, just watch your shutter speed (number on the left). you dont want it to go lower than 90 to be on the safe side. if its going lower than 90, you just dont have enough light to shoot. you can push it of course, test and see how low you can go before the image gets too blurry, a shutter speed of 90 is just a guide.

to sum up:

1. change white balance

2. bump up your ISO

3. switch to manual or aperture priority

4. watch shutter speed

(if you dont know how to do any of this, look it up in your manual, its really easy!)

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  1. You know T, this is the first picture I have seen of Anna where I feel like I am looking at a little mini Tara. That bottom left picture where she is grinning with her hat on….my oh my, she is starting to look like her mommy. And really, would that be such a bad thing?! Missing you in Canada!

  2. T, look at you…teaching and all that!! Love it! Maybe some day you’d be willing to do a day with Tara type of session… I’d even be willing to help host/coordinate it! I know other OC photogs like Becker & Jessica Claire do things like this! If it weren’t too pricey… I’d sign up in a heart beat.. and I’m sure I’m not alone. Fun, local day trips!! I’m sure you’re way too busy… I’m probably too busy too…but it would be so fun.

  3. Tara, if your blog was missing something to be even better,
    is what you have done today, sharing with us a usefull photography
    tip !!!!! Thank you !!! It sure means a lot to a lot of us !!!

    Happy thanksgiving !!!

    P.s we are finishing school and preparing ourselves
    for summer vacations till feb 26 !!!! ( in Bs As )

  4. thank you sooo much tara for giving such great advice! I love coming to your blog, and just had to comment to say thank you for providing some photography instruction. perfect timing too as i need to photograph my daughter’s preschool class making gingerbread houses this tuesday! keep up the sharing – it makes me an even bigger fan – if that’s even possible!

  5. Just becoming truly familiar with my camera and I’m taking pics for friends of mine (would love to turn it into a business when I gain more knowledge). This is a problem I have been experiencing in low light situations where I don’t want the flash to either over-expose the picture or bounce off of something close to my subject and leave an oh so lovely white circle (or shadow) in my capture. Thanks for posting this info! Love visiting your blog :).

  6. I want a paper vest! As far as I recall, our dress code at work does not prohibit paper garments, and think of the savings on dry-cleaning!

    Thanks so much for the tip on avoiding the use of flash. I sent it to my husband and another friend, as I personally look horrible when people take my picture with a flash. Partly because I ALWAYS blink. Also because I have a round face, small features, and very pale skin, so when people use a flash I look like a full moon. Perhaps this will increase the ratio of non-horrifying pictures of me in existence!

  7. Thanks for the tip! Tried it today and loved the results!! I swear, reading professional blogs has proved so much more effective in improving my photography skills than reading books!

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