I had just driven away from the session when my phone rang.

And it was Fabi asking if I had left yet.

I had, I was already a few blocks away. Why, I asked, was everything okay?

Oh, yes, she said….she had just forgotten to take a photo with me before I said goodbye.

Next time, we said! And giggled.

And then happily, a few days later I emailed her and told her she might have forgotten, but I hadn’t.


More from this beautiful Brazilian family soon.

I have been under the weather since Thursday with strep, and boy was it a doozy. I am grateful for pain medication and antibiotics today.

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  1. Hope you feel better soon. I’ll look forward to seeing some new photos of another beautiful family. I look forward to the times when I can gaze at your pictures and daydream. It’s a lovely thing for sure.

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