giveaway – wordsmith by joyce smith

To learn more about WordSmith, visit

Hello! I’m Joyce Smith, English professor-turned-photographer-turned-photographer’s-new-best-friend. When I was working on my Ph.D. in English literature and teaching freshman composition, I never imagined that I’d eventually bring my love of grammar, syntax, and all that other stuff that makes your head hurt to my career as a photographer. It quickly became obvious to me, however, that clear communication is paramount to creating a “good faith” working relationship with clients. Not to mention the fact that–let’s face it–writing is hard. I’ve always found it interesting that even gifted writers often loathe the laborious act of putting pen to paper or, even worse, staring at the dreaded blinking cursor. Experience writer’s block or frustration as you struggle for the right words no longer! Visit the WordSmith site to find guides that will make your life as a photographer infinitely easier and oh-so-eloquent . . . today!

I’d love to offer one lucky winner a complete set of everything WordSmith, which includes all of the following WordSmith goodies:

• {what to wear} children and family
• {what to write}
• more {what to write}
• {how to sell}
• {what to wear} seniors
• the senior pricing menu
• {breathe}
• session stories volume one

If you do not win, don’t despair!  Instead, enjoy a discount for one week following the contest of 15% off any WordSmith purchase.  Just use code TARA when you purchase.

Many thanks!


Please comment on the blog to enter. Winner will be emailed Monday morning – thanks for playing along!

Winner will be emailed Tuesday morning.

sand fight

These are my friends. We went to Doheny State Beach one night in April and had some fun.
I asked them, “What would you be doing if I weren’t here? How would you be playing and hanging out?”
And Brett chuffed and said, “I don’t know Tara, probably throwing sand at each other.”
So that’s what we did.

See them previously here or here or here or here


(Random tidbit: A LONG time ago (ten years ago? can it be?) I was published in a scrapbooking magazine with a layout called “Sand Fight” and it included photos of Brett and Drew throwing sand at each other.)


giveaway – photographer cafe

This weekend’s giveaway is brought to you by Photographer Cafe. Thanks for playing along, hope you are having a lovely weekend. :) – Tara

Note from Photographer Cafe:

Photographer Cafe has launched a new site filled with beautiful products.  Among the new designs being introduced are simple, versatile square collages.  Sized to 12×12 and 20×20, you will turn to these collages again and again for so many design and presentation needs.

Photographer Cafe is giving away your choice of any three collage sets.  Choose from basic, modern designs or select those with a little more splash and color.  Shown here is our Loft Collage Set.  Chic, yet clean and simple.Best of all, each collage set coordinate with business and marketing products, so you can present a pulled-together, stylish image.  Click here to view all the products that coordinate with the Loft design.

To win your choice of any three square collage sets (a $120 value), visit the shiny, new Photographer Cafe shop to peek at all the options.  Come back here and list below your THREE favorite collage sets below.  One lucky winner will be chosen!

(Winner will be emailed Monday morning.)