they rock my stripey socks


THE Marina Miller was in town a few months ago from her home in Hawaii. I had the pleasure, (NAY the privilege!), of meeting her entire family and taking them to a new spot I found while garage sale-ing. She is one of my favorite friends to follow online, and it was so good to spend time with her and her boys.


listen \ wet flakey bark, bibio

I was cleaning the kitchen while this album was playing out of our iPod dock. Drew wandered in to grab a banana or maybe a slice of toast and said,”What is that sound? Is it a song?”

“Yah, it’s this guy called Bibio – you like it?”

“It sounds like I’m underwater in the ocean. Like, if I was in a movie, and I was underwater, swimming around, this song would be playing.”

And then he did a wide eyed fish face and swam through the air in front of the refrigerator.

This small interaction just made me stop. And appreciate him. And appreciate how open he is, how he just says what he thinks.
