a fuller picture

After expressing my thoughts in my last post, I wanted to share the rest of the session. While I was particularly drawn to the images that I shared before, and want to work with people who also appreciate and value that type of photography, I have many other favorites from our time together.

“Not looking” can make a shot really unique and personal. However, getting them to look at you can be a special kind of challenge, and therefore, a special kind of satisfaction. What I personally want to fight against is the idea that if one or more people aren’t making a pleasant face at the photographer, if the photo is imperfect in some way, that means the photo isn’t worthy of framing or sharing or loving. Those are usually my favorite and the most important to me down the road. Even if a child is having a crap day – well, okay then – we all have crap days. That is what is honest. That is what is unique about them. That is the very reason for freezing your family at any moment in time, in my eyes. More so, a thousand TIMES more so, than the image with everyone looking with a perfect face into the camera.

I get it. Grandma wants that one for her fridge. So I take it, and I give it. Always.

My purpose is to show you what your love looks like, and how the world sees you – and have fun doing it. That can only come with a much fuller picture of who you are.


Back to this rad family:

We explored The High Line and then got some cupcakes. The kids had a great time despite the weather. It was a gloomy day with sporatic raindrops and really cold wind. Not my typical conditions, but I actually loved the dark grittiness of it. It was good to have a change of pace and good to stretch myself.

At the end of our session, we asked this taxi driver if we could take a photo by his car. He was sooo into it, as you can see, he even let Dad get in the driver’s seat. Such a kind, friendly man. This was a particular treat for their oldest daughter, who LOVES cars, especially taxis.

Later that day, I got this text from Mom: “Ella just said – wait – Tara is a photographer? I thought she was just our new friend!”

And that – means EVERYTHING.


(This is the second time I have been able to meet up with them, only the first time there were only three of them, and it was in San Francisco.)


Not everyone has to be looking

This is one of the families that I photographed while in NYC.

While figuring out what I wanted to post today, I realized I was drawn to the images that included their whole family, which is actually rare for me. But I realized it was because they weren’t all trying to look or smile at the camera for me. They were just THERE. And that is what I was drawn to.

FYI : I don’t think that everyone has to be looking at the camera to make a family photo meaningful.

In fact, I hope they won’t be.