donna downey slept on my couch!


donna had a gig teaching at oasis and i got to put her up and drive her around.

i also took some shots of her that you might see later…






isnt she adorable? (dont let that fool you)

my girls showed up on friday night to meet donna and get their books signed. well, my girls minus a few arizona locals and one new mommy.


to everyone i met at oasis this weekend, HI! and thank you for being so nice and cool. it was so fun to chat with everyone that i had a chance to chat with. you guys were great!!! (remember, i require pre-approval for all online posted photos of me. must. check. chin. and. gut.) :)

the one where i say ive been nursing a broken camera

we had a great christmas and a great break from work and school.

my camera has been slowly dying on me. giving me softer images. i thought at first it was me, user error, but then too many things were right for so many things to be wrong with the pictures.

so i bought me a 20D baby!

it came yesterday, i shot these about fifteen minutes ago of nate getting out of the car after school.





the color and clarity is to die for. i am so thrilled. zoomed in on his eye at 200%, i could clearly see my reflection in his eyes, and his lashes were perfectly sharp.

groovy baby.

2006 is looking good so far.