ali made me do it

ali tagged me. i hate these things. :) but how can i say no? especially when i am sick and bored?

Four jobs you have had in your life:

  1. Telemarketer: at the age of 15 and then again in college. one day jeff and i walked up to work to find the whole place cleared out. gone. wires on the floor. a notice on the door. so then i became a…
  2. Teachers Aide: at a pre school/daycare called Childs Play in Santa Barbara. Some of the coolest women there. Really taught me a lot about kids and discipline. I miss them.
  3. Hot Dog on a Stick girl: yep, i pumped the lemonade and wore the outfit. in high school over one christmas. the money was good!
  4. Salad bar girl at Souplantation : which is why i hate honey mustard dressing and garbanzo beans.

Four movies you would watch over and over:

  1. Notting Hill
  2. Princess Bride
  3. Napoleon Dynamite
  4. Garden State

Four places you have lived:

  1. Riverside, CA
  2. Woodland Hills, CA
  3. Valencia, CA
  4. Corona, CA

Four TV shows you love to watch:

  1. LOST
  2. America’s Next Top Model
  3. any reality show on MTV
  4. Medium

Four places you have been on vacation:

  1. Hawaii
  2. London
  3. San Francisco
  4. Minnesota

Four websites I visit daily:

  1. Two Peas
  2. my email account?

Four of my favorite foods:

  1. mashed potatoes & meat (family recipe, kinda like shepards pie)
  2. tacos
  3. carnitas
  4. pasta and garlic bread

Four places I would rather be right now:

  1. Minnesota (had to reschedule my trip because our whole family is really really sick.
  2. At the beach
  3. on my moms couch,and she could be making my mashed potatoes

sometimes i cant believe how gorgeous my kids are.

i am sure everyone thinks that about their own.

sometimes i take a shot and just stare at it, taking in every detail of each freckle and eyelash. the slope of the nose. the light dancing in the eyes. searching for clues of the teenage face, the adult face.

soaking up the details, memorizing each one.


the teeth, oh the teeth! i love those teeth.
