golden girls



is the ten year anniversary the gold one?

we are the golden girls. we fight over the executive chair. this year is our ten year anniversary. ten years of scrapbooking, friendship, laughter, shopping, phone calls, long drives, music, kids, kids, and more kids, pictures, birthdays, fights, tears, changes, and moves…

we met in 1996. we started scrapbooking one night a week til the wee hours of morning. sharla, christine, erin, and me. sharla and i had babies. erin had kids. christine had a VW beetle. :) we became best friends. then we moved to the four corners of california. and our weekly nights turned to saturdays. then our saturdays turned to weekends. when the kids were little, we would go and stay with each other during the week. we lost touch with erin for many years. and during that time stacy, sheridan, carole and celestial got added to our group. the other regulars. now two of us live in arizona. the rest here in southern california. and we try to get together still at least once a year for a scrapbook/shopping weekend of looooOOOOoooove. and that my friends, is THIS WEEKEND. WHOOHOOO

although we dont talk everyday, we email everyday. we blog everyday. we know we are there. we know we understand each other. i am so lucky to know them, to have them in my life. to have them love me. no matter what. even when i pierce my nose. even when i make a big change. even then.

even when we change, we stay the same. we stay together. in fifty years we will be gabbing about our kids and our grandkids and our husbands. laughing until we cry.

i love you guys.

(and yes, that is a train page that i so happily and proudly showed off to the camera. the letters D-R-E-W were in each train car. how cool was i?)