i wish i could attach the computer to my belly and type and proof while doing laundry.

nuf said. ;)

(you may infer that i am behind in proofing, emails, and laundry from this post)

and you would infer correctly.

update at 4:04pm-you guys are cracking me up. got some work done for proof. put up a new blog banner. got two loads done. organized kid paperwork from school. answered a ton of emails. did NOT shower. will NOT be making dinner.

quick note

im running out to a photo shoot down in san diego. grandma has the kids for me today. :)

wanted to let those of you know that havent been able to register, or have been getting error messages, that i am going to lift it. im still going to moderate comments for now until i make sure things have died down.

thx guys!

met up with the kelly’s this weekend at the wilderness park near my home. they drove all the way from simi valley for the shoot. i had such a good time with them (i feel like i always say that-i get so lucky!) they reminded me a lot of my own family in the way they interacted in a teasing laughing way. i loved it.

the oldest was a tough egg to crack-i brought out the best of my wit and humor and sarcasm and teasing and still he wasnt impressed. haha not even when we discovered our music tastes were the same did he love me more. so mom and i did our best. :)

sweet girlie in the middle who was so willing to do whatever i asked. gorgeous eyes and smile.

and sweet boylie at the end. who i learned at the shoot was autistic. i immediately felt bonded to him. he reminded me in so many ways of mckenna. i loved seeing how the family interacted with him-that too reminded me of my own family. how they got him to laugh. how they all watched over him. i resorted to my now infamous "fart" tactic to get him to like me…

and mom and dad-full of life. full of love. really cool. they are moving out of state this summer. i wish them the best. they deserve it!

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album here.