fun amidst the chaos


little anna looking at me while sitting on emily’s couch. since she always comes down to me i decided to take advantage of my boys being with grandma and have a girl day up in LA. mckenna, anna, and i are all crashing in ivy’s room tonight.

so i am away from my home computer for a bit.
now off to bed with me.

(this post was lost in a black hole, just getting it back up. any comments made were also lost. )

just a couple cool things


this layout is a must see.

how terrible am i that i didnt POST WHO DID IT????? i suck.
the fabulous, kellicrowe.


this shirt that is out of stock and is a must have. must. have.


barb uil aka jinky art has a typepad blog now. (she is such a copycat) haahaha


she hired me to do a photoshoot for her family while they are here in california on vacation!!! exclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point!!! and so, i twisted her arm, begged, borrowed, and stole in order to hire her for a photo shoot of my very own! the beach is not too far off from my house, so she is coming here! i guess that means ill have to paint my kitchen table and do the dishes.


drew is finally swimming in the ocean and using a boogie board all on his own. he has been so scared up to this point and we have basically left him alone about it. i cant tell you how happy jeff and i are-and now he gets to go surfing with daddy and papa…its the start of a new generation of surfer dudes. i love it.