sap = me

i met some of the sweetest families this weekend.
i just feel so lucky right now…im emotional. im always a sap, but today im sooooo sappy!
after my shoot i didnt want to leave the family i had gotten to know in two hours. i wanted to squeeze them. i just felt so much love. coming from them. and for them.

there is something so incredible about getting in deep with a family. i have so much passion about this subject that i get goosebumps whenever i talk about it. the dynamic is special and unique in every single one. and when you are in it, you dont always see it. but as an outsider, i see it every single time. the touches, the looks, the words used. inside jokes. laughs. tickles. “mom” and “dad” stern glances. kids testing the waters. in it all, there is just so much LOVE.

every shoot, i am surrounded in love. and that just makes me want to cry. haha

i always said i could never live without true love in my life. and not only do i have that with my husband and my own crazy little family, i get to experience it every single time i head out to meet a new group of people to photograph.

it absolutely boggles my mind to think of how i got to this place. that people trust me so completely to let me in like they do and to truly SEE them. to have the chance to do it. i cant say it enough-i am lucky. there is no doubt about it. i am LUCKY.

i cant say this enough either: thank you so much for letting me do something i love, and crave, so deeply.