I am at CHA today and tomorrow, (Craft and Hobby Association) trade show in anaheim.
totally having a good time seeing everyone and getting to fondle the new stuff.

saw martha last night-not so exciting! haha

and went to the 2peas social-totally exciting! loved getting to see my old FGG sisters.

and lookie who i get to taxi around!!!!

come up and say hi if you see me! i love to meet my blog readers. :)

more later!

more of my growed up girl

you guys are all so right. she does look so grown up in that photo. so dang grown up. thanks for all her birthday wishes! she had a fabulous day…ill have to share pics of her favoritest present soon.

last week i waged my own war on the clutter in my house and rented a dumpster to toss everything out. but it was a twofold bonus because the actual dumpster was really really cool looking. i had grandiose plans of a dumpster shoot with the kids, but it didnt happen….i just got anna one day while everyone else was at school.



this is hopefully the most “photoshopped” any of my images will look. her eyes look like i worked on them for a long time, but honestly, all i did was dodge them up a little to show the catchlight that was already there…..