tuesday at CHA

its wednesday morning, 5:30am. i just dropped cathy off at the airport.
we went to bed last night at 9, and that was pushing it it. i could have fallen asleep at 7!

so, day two of cha. with no emily this time…i cant believe we didnt get our photo together with someone from monday! but we were kind of in different groups of people and would come together at random times and then get pulled off again. :) sweet girl is leaving for paris today to teach. i will miss her!

SO day two. one of mine and cathys goals for this day was to meet and thank the people who are so kind to send us product all the time. again, it was really fun to meet people when ive only ever seen their name in my inbox! melanie from quickutz, mandy and britt from american crafts, ana and the guys from purple cow, and sweet and hysterical jennifer strano of strano ribbon. jennifer and i go way back man. way back in the day. haha. i posted photos of her ribbons on my blog and months later i got the most amazing little package with a note i still have to this day. they are an amazing little duo-she and her husband lou. i hope for big things for them. they deserve it.

so, onto more photos. i think i forgot about my camera yesterday unfortunately. i didnt take many shots! so sorry guys-but thankfully, there are many sites out there with much better info than i could give you! :)

my margie’s work on an ad in the autumn leaves booth.

some new mod products that made me want to fan myself like an old southern belle:

these adorable nesting tins from the new magpie organizational cupboard from quickutz. must….have…

a new company called tinkering ink, with an adorable couple running it (kezia and paul) and a really cool color pallette. also, kezia had the best idea and is not only offering paper, but digital CDs of her paper line to sell in stores. AWESOME way to bridge the gap between online digital scrapbooking and the paper and glue scrapbook stores. and just an AWESOME way of realizing what the customers want. they are also coming out with these new embellishments that mix felt and silicon-two of my favorite favorite textiles.

jennifer strano and i in their booth.

and the ribbon that was named after me! (how cool is that??)

some of our simple team walking around: marin with cathy. then lin sorenson, lynda angelastro, and chris ford in the back.

okay and this was a riot. in the quickutz booth, they have a money vault. you get in, they turn it on, and you grab whatever money or coupons you can grab. this is melanie, who works for them….trying it out first. so glad i met her. she is a breath of fresh air. hysterical.

melanie and cathy (before i got the nerve to do it)

then i got in. i couldnt stop laughing. couldnt grab anything!



had to come back and actually post after kids went to school.
back to reality, oh there goes gravity…
back to momma-hood today and a sick baby and a deadline for simple.
thank goodness my mom cleaned my house and did laundry for me yesterday! LOVE HER!
jeff says she is the anti-tara, “and to think, she actually takes care of ANOTHER house too! how does she do it???” he says.

monday at CHA

going to CHA is like going to an organized school sporting event or something-where you get to see the same people over and over-people that you know and like. and its SO good to see people, quickly catch up, give a hug…and its also been really cool for me, because ive never really done the trade show thing, to meet people i have “known” of but never met face to face.

here are some of my faves from the show yesterday-

sweet sweet elsie and her booth. it was SO friggin adorable i cant even stand it.






finally met heidi swapp-and love her new stuff! AAAAh-im dying over the new typography stamps-check these out!


and cool big photo corners-also a polka dot mask…sigh…..polka dotssssss………


fontwerks: omg, DYING DYING over the new rubons, and wait until you try them-they go on like.butter. seriously, the best easiest rub on ive ever tried. and i love the graphic-ness of them.

and tags…omg…i can never have enough tags and im so excited to get these!

adorable kah-mei. she is such a lovely, giving person. LOVE her.

bathroom break!

new 7gypsies stamps

scenic route circles-love their stuff!

my minds eye new goodies-embossed chipboard letters.


hambly, hambly, hambly!!!



5th birthday party for simple scrapbooks. party in the booth.

angie lucas…loved meeting her!!!


this was so sweet-stacy julian and lin sorenson cutting the cake. aaaaw


stacy was overcome. i love the sap that oozes from her. i love a girl who isnt afraid to cry in public.

my mom is on her way down to help with my kids today and cathy and i have one more day to walk around. im hoping to see more stuff today. yesterday went by WAY too fast.